With the development of the information age, the process of global networking continues to deepen, and the cyberspace security has become an important support for today’s social functions and social activities. Web applications which have many security risks are the most direct interactive way in the process of the Internet activities. That is why the web applications face a large number of network attacks. Interpretive dynamic programming languages are easy to lean and convenient to use, they are widely used in the development of cross-platform web systems. As well as benefit from these advantages, the web system based on those languages is hard to detect errors and maintain the complex system logic, increasing the risk of system vulnerability and cyber threats. The attack defense of systems based on interpretive dynamic programming languages is widely concerned by researchers. Since the advance of endogenous security technologies, there are breakthroughs on the research of web system security. Compared with traditional security defense technologies, these technologies protect the system with their uncertainty, randomness and dynamism. Based on several common network attacks, the traditional system security defense technology and endogenous security technology of web application based on interpretive dynamic languages are surveyed and compared in this paper. Furthermore, the possible research directions of those technologies are discussed.
{Static characteristic extraction method Control flow-based features proposed by Ding has the ability to detect malicious code with higher accuracy than traditional Text-based methods. However, this method resolved NP-hard problem in a graph, therefore it is not feasible with the large-size and high-complexity programs. So, we propose the C500-CFG algorithm in Control flow-based features based on the idea of dynamic programming, solving Ding's NP-hard problem in O(N2) time complexity, where N is the number of basic blocks in decom-piled executable codes. Our algorithm is more efficient and more outstanding in detecting malware than Ding's algorithm: fast processing time, allowing processing large files, using less memory and extracting more feature information. Applying our algorithms with IoT data sets gives outstanding results on 2 measures: Accuracy = 99.34%
This paper studies the deletion propagation problem in terms of minimizing view side-effect. It is a problem funda-mental to data lineage and quality management which could be a key step in analyzing view propagation and repairing data. The investigated problem is a variant of the standard deletion propagation problem, where given a source database D, a set of key preserving conjunctive queries Q, and the set of views V obtained by the queries in Q, we try to identify a set T of tuples from D whose elimination prevents all the tuples in a given set of deletions on views △V while preserving any other results. The complexity of this problem has been well studied for the case with only a single query. Dichotomies, even trichotomies, for different settings are developed. However, no results on multiple queries are given which is a more realistic case. We study the complexity and approximations of optimizing the side-effect on the views, i.e., find T to minimize the additional damage on V after removing all the tuples of △V. We focus on the class of key-preserving conjunctive queries which is a dichotomy for the single query case. It is surprising to find that except the single query case, this problem is NP-hard to approximate within any constant even for a non-trivial set of multiple project-free conjunctive queries in terms of view side-effect. The proposed algorithm shows that it can be approximated within a bound depending on the number of tuples of both V and △V. We identify a class of polynomial tractable inputs, and provide a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the problem. Besides data lineage, study on this problem could also provide important foundations for the computational issues in data repairing. Furthermore, we introduce some related applications of this problem, especially for query feedback based data cleaning.
The design of optimal energy management strategies that trade-off consumers' privacy and expected energy cost by using an energy storage is studied. The Kullback-Leibler divergence rate is used to assess the privacy risk of the unauthorized testing on consumers' behavior. We further show how this design problem can be formulated as a belief state Markov decision process problem so that standard tools of the Markov decision process framework can be utilized, and the optimal solution can be obtained by using Bellman dynamic programming. Finally, we illustrate the privacy-enhancement and cost-saving by numerical examples.
In order to meet the demand of electrical energy by consumers, utilities have to maintain the security of the system. This paper presents a design of the Microgrid Central Energy Management System (MCEMS). It will plan operation of the system one-day advance. The MCEMS will adjust itself during operation if a fault occurs anywhere in the generation system. The proposed approach uses Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm solves the Unit Commitment (UC) problem and at the same time enhances the security of power system. A case study is performed with ten subsystems. The DP is used to manage the operation of the subsystems and determines the UC on the situation demands. Faults are applied to the system and the DP corrects the UC problem with appropriate power sources to maintain reliability supply. The MATLAB software has been used to simulate the operation of the system.
The problem of optimal attack path analysis is one of the hotspots in network security. Many methods are available to calculate an optimal attack path, such as Q-learning algorithm, heuristic algorithms, etc. But most of them have shortcomings. Some methods can lead to the problem of path loss, and some methods render the result un-comprehensive. This article proposes an improved Monte Carlo Graph Search algorithm (IMCGS) to calculate optimal attack paths in target network. IMCGS can avoid the problem of path loss and get comprehensive results quickly. IMCGS is divided into two steps: selection and backpropagation, which is used to calculate optimal attack paths. A weight vector containing priority, host connection number, CVSS value is proposed for every host in an attack path. This vector is used to calculate the evaluation value, the total CVSS value and the average CVSS value of a path in the target network. Result for a sample test network is presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed algorithm to generate optimal attack paths in one single run. The results obtained by IMCGS show good performance and are compared with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACO) and k-zero attack graph.
Personal privacy is an important issue when publishing social network data. An attacker may have information to reidentify private data. So, many researchers developed anonymization techniques, such as k-anonymity, k-isomorphism, l-diversity, etc. In this paper, we focus on graph k-degree anonymity by editing edges. Our method is divided into two steps. First, we propose an efficient algorithm to find a new degree sequence with theoretically minimal edit cost. Second, we insert and delete edges based on the new degree sequence to achieve k-degree anonymity.
In this paper, based on the Hamiltonian, an alternative interpretation about the iterative adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) approach from the perspective of optimization is developed for discrete time nonlinear dynamic systems. The role of the Hamiltonian in iterative ADP is explained. The resulting Hamiltonian driven ADP is able to evaluate the performance with respect to arbitrary admissible policies, compare two different admissible policies and further improve the given admissible policy. The convergence of the Hamiltonian ADP to the optimal policy is proven. Implementation of the Hamiltonian-driven ADP by neural networks is discussed based on the assumption that each iterative policy and value function can be updated exactly. Finally, a simulation is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the presented Hamiltonian-driven ADP.
We study a quantity-flexibility supply contract between a manufacturer and a retailer in two periods. The retailer can get a low wholesale price within a fixed quantity and adjust the quantity at the end of the first period. The retailer can adjust the order quantities after the first period based on updated inventory status by paying a higher per-unit price for the incremental units or obtaining a buyback price per-unit for the returning units. By developing a two-period dynamic programming model in this paper, we first obtain an optimal replenishment strategy for the retailer when the manufacturer's price scheme is known. Then we derive an proper pricing scheme for the manufacturer by assuming that the supply chain is coordinated. The numerical results show some managerial insights by comparing this coordination scheme with Stackelberg game.
Physical impairments in long-haul optical networks mandate that optical signals be regenerated within the (so-called translucent) network. Being expensive devices, regenerators are expected to be allocated sparsely and must be judiciously utilized. Next-generation optical-transport networks will include multiple domains with diverse technologies, protocols, granularities, and carriers. Because of confidentiality and scalability concerns, the scope of network-state information (e.g., topology, wavelength availability) may be limited to within a domain. In such networks, the problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) aims to find an adequate route and wavelength(s) for lightpaths carrying end-to-end service demands. Some state information may have to be explicitly exchanged among the domains to facilitate the RWA process. The challenge is to determine which information is the most critical and make a wise choice for the path and wavelength(s) using the limited information. Recently, a framework for multidomain path computation called backward-recursive path-computation (BRPC) was standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force. In this paper, we consider the RWA problem for connections within a single domain and interdomain connections so that the quality of transmission (QoT) requirement of each connection is satisfied, and the network-level performance metric of blocking probability is minimized. Cross-layer heuristics that are based on dynamic programming to effectively allocate the sparse regenerators are developed, and extensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate their effectiveness.