In image forensics, to determine whether the image is impurely transformed, it extracts and examines the features included in the suspicious image. In general, the features extracted for the detection of forgery images are based on numerical values, so it is somewhat unreasonable to use in the CNN structure for image classification. In this paper, the extraction method of a feature vector is using a least-squares solution. Treat a suspicious image like a matrix and its solution to be coefficients as the feature vector. Get two solutions from two images of the original and its median filter residual (MFR). Subsequently, the two features were formed into a visualized pattern and then fed into CNN deep learning to classify the various transformed images. A new structure of the CNN net layer was also designed by hybrid with the inception module and the residual block to classify visualized feature vector patterns. The performance of the proposed image forensics detection (IFD) scheme was measured with the seven transformed types of image: average filtered (window size: 3 × 3), gaussian filtered (window size: 3 × 3), JPEG compressed (quality factor: 90, 70), median filtered (window size: 3 × 3, 5 × 5), and unaltered. The visualized patterns are fed into the image input layer of the designed CNN hybrid model. Throughout the experiment, the accuracy of median filtering detection was 98% over. Also, the area under the curve (AUC) by sensitivity (TP: true positive rate) and 1-specificity (FP: false positive rate) results of the proposed IFD scheme approached to `1' on the designed CNN hybrid model. Experimental results show high efficiency and performance to classify the various transformed images. Therefore, the grade evaluation of the proposed scheme is “Excellent (A)”.
Humans are a key part of software development, including customers, designers, coders, testers and end users. In this keynote talk I explain why incorporating human-centric issues into software engineering for next-generation applications is critical. I use several examples from our recent and current work on handling human-centric issues when engineering various `smart living' cloud- and edge-based software systems. This includes using human-centric, domain-specific visual models for non-technical experts to specify and generate data analysis applications; personality impact on aspects of software activities; incorporating end user emotions into software requirements engineering for smart homes; incorporating human usage patterns into emerging edge computing applications; visualising smart city-related data; reporting diverse software usability defects; and human-centric security and privacy requirements for smart living systems. I assess the usefulness of these approaches, highlight some outstanding research challenges, and briefly discuss our current work on new human-centric approaches to software engineering for smart living applications.
Security for authentication is required to give a superlative secure users' personal information. This paper presents a model of the Graphical password scheme under the impact of security and ease of use for user authentication. We integrate the concept of recognition with re-called and cued-recall based schemes to offer superior security compared to existing schemes. Click Symbols (CS) Alphabet combine into one entity: Alphanumeric (A) and Visual (V) symbols (CS-AV) is Captcha-based password scheme, we integrate it with recall-based n ×n grid points, where a user can draw the shape or pattern by the intersection of the grid points as a way to enter a graphical password. Next scheme, the combination of CS-AV with grid cells allows very large password space ( 2.4 ×104 bits of entropy) and provides reasonable usability results by determining an empirical study of memorable password space. Proposed schemes support most applicable platform for input devices and promising strong resistance to shoulder surfing attacks on a mobile device which can be occurred during unlocking (pattern) the smartphone.
This paper proposes an advanced scheme of message security in 3D cover images using multiple layers of security. Cryptography using AES-256 is implemented in the first layer. In the second layer, edge detection is applied. Finally, LSB steganography is executed in the third layer. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is measured using a number of performance metrics. For instance, mean square error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index measure (SSIM), mean absolute error (MAE) and entropy.
ARtect is an Augmented Reality application developed with Unity 3D, which envisions an educational interactive and immersive tool for architects, designers, researchers, and artists. This digital instrument renders the competency to visualize custom-made 3D models and 2D graphics in interior and exterior environments. The user-friendly interface offers an accurate insight before the materialization of any architectural project, enabling evaluation of the design proposal. This practice could be integrated into learning architectural design process, saving resources of printed drawings, and 3D carton models during several stages of spatial conception.
New technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) are used to enhance human capabilities and extend human functioning; nevertheless they may cause distraction and incorrect human functioning. Systems including socio entities (such as human) and technical entities (such as augmented reality) are called socio-technical systems. In order to do risk assessment in such systems, considering new dependability threats caused by augmented reality is essential, for example failure of an extended human function is a new type of dependability threat introduced to the system because of new technologies. In particular, it is required to identify these new dependability threats and extend modeling and analyzing techniques to be able to uncover their potential impacts. This research aims at providing a framework for risk assessment in AR-equipped socio-technical systems by identifying AR-extended human failures and AR-caused faults leading to human failures. Our work also extends modeling elements in an existing metamodel for modeling socio-technical systems, to enable AR-relevant dependability threats modeling. This extended metamodel is expected to be used for extending analysis techniques to analyze AR-equipped socio-technical systems.
Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is a higher cognitive dysfunction that can occur after a stroke. It is defined as an impairment in finding, reporting, reacting to, and directing stimuli opposite the damaged side of the brain. We have proposed a system to identify neglected regions in USN patients in three dimensions using three-dimensional virtual reality. The objectives of this study are twofold: first, to propose a system for numerically identifying the neglected regions using an object detection task in a virtual space, and second, to compare the neglected regions during object detection when the patient's neck is immobilized (‘fixed-neck’ condition) versus when the neck can be freely moved to search (‘free-neck’ condition). We performed the test using an immersive virtual reality system, once with the patient's neck fixed and once with the patient's neck free to move. Comparing the results of the study in two patients, we found that the neglected areas were similar in the fixed-neck condition. However, in the free-neck condition, one patient's neglect improved while the other patient’s neglect worsened. These results suggest that exploratory ability affects the symptoms of USN and is crucial for clinical evaluation of USN patients.
This paper investigates the effects of real time visual biofeedback for improving sports performance using a large scale immersive mixed reality system in which users are able to play a simulated game of curling. The users slide custom curling stones across the floor onto a projected target whose size is dictated by the user’s stress-related physiological measure; heart rate (HR). The higher HR the player has, the smaller the target will be, and vice-versa. In the experiment participants were asked to compete in three different conditions: baseline, with and without the proposed biofeedback. The results show that when providing a visual representation of the player’s HR or "choking" in competition, it helped the player understand their condition and improve competition performance (P-value of 0.0391).
Traditionally Industrial Control System(ICS) used air-gap mechanism to protect Operational Technology (OT) networks from cyber-attacks. As internet is evolving and so are business models, customer supplier relationships and their needs are changing. Hence lot of ICS are now connected to internet by providing levels of defense strategies in between OT network and business network to overcome the traditional mechanism of air-gap. This upgrade made OT networks available and accessible through internet. OT networks involve number of physical objects and computer networks. Physical damages to system have become rare but the number of cyber-attacks occurring are evidently increasing. To tackle cyber-attacks, we have a number of measures in place like Firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). To ensure no attack on or suspicious behavior within network takes place, we can use visual aids like creating dashboards which are able to flag any such activity and create visual alert about same. This paper describes creation of parser object to convert Common Event Format(CEF) to Comma Separated Values(CSV) format and dashboard to extract maximum amount of data and analyze network behavior. And working of active querying by leveraging packet level data from network to analyze network inclusion in real-time. The mentioned methodology is verified on data collected from Waste Water Treatment Plant and results are presented.,} booktitle = {2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)
Nowadays, there is a flood of data such as naked body photos and child pornography, which is making people bloodless. In addition, people also distribute drugs through unknown dark channels. In particular, most transactions are being made through the Deep Web, the dark path. “Deep Web refers to an encrypted network that is not detected on search engine like Google etc. Users must use Tor to visit sites on the dark web” [4]. In other words, the Dark Web uses Tor's encryption client. Therefore, users can visit multiple sites on the dark Web, but not know the initiator of the site. In this paper, we propose the key idea based on the current status of such crimes and a crime information visual system for Deep Web has been developed. The status of deep web is analyzed and data is visualized using Java. It is expected that the program will help more efficient management and monitoring of crime in unknown web such as deep web, torrent etc.
By the multi-layer nonlinear mapping and the semantic feature extraction of the deep learning, a deep learning network is proposed for video face detection to overcome the challenge of detecting faces rapidly and accurately in video with changeable background. Particularly, a pre-training procedure is used to initialize the network parameters to avoid falling into the local optimum, and the greedy layer-wise learning is introduced in the pre-training to avoid the training error transfer in layers. Key to the network is that the probability of neurons models the status of human brain neurons which is a continuous distribution from the most active to the least active and the hidden layer’s neuron number decreases layer-by-layer to reduce the redundant information of the input data. Moreover, the skin color detection is used to accelerate the detection speed by generating candidate regions. Experimental results show that, besides the faster detection speed and robustness against face rotation, the proposed method possesses lower false detection rate and lower missing detection rate than traditional algorithms.
Robots operating alongside humans in field environments have the potential to greatly increase the situational awareness of their human teammates. A significant challenge, however, is the efficient conveyance of what the robot perceives to the human in order to achieve improved situational awareness. We believe augmented reality (AR), which allows a human to simultaneously perceive the real world and digital information situated virtually in the real world, has the potential to address this issue. Motivated by the emerging prevalence of practical human-wearable AR devices, we present a system that enables a robot to perform cooperative search with a human teammate, where the robot can both share search results and assist the human teammate in navigation to the search target. We demonstrate this ability in a search task in an uninstrumented environment where the robot identifies and localizes targets and provides navigation direction via AR to bring the human to the correct target.