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Patel, Sakshi, V, Thanikaiselvan.  2022.  New Image Encryption Algorithm based on Pixel Confusion-Diffusion using Hash Functions and Chaotic Map. 2022 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :862—867.
Information privacy and security has become a necessity in the rapid growth of computer technology. A new algorithm for image encryption is proposed in this paper; using hash functions, chaotic map and two levels of diffusion process. The initialization key for chaos map is generated with the help of two hash functions. The initial seed for these hash functions is the sum of rows, columns and pixels across the diagonal of the plain image. Firstly, the image is scrambled using quantization unit. In the first level of diffusion process, the pixel values of the scrambled image are XOR with the normalized chaotic map. Odd pixel value is XOR with an even bit of chaotic map and even pixel is XOR with an odd bit of chaotic map. To achieve strong encryption, the image undergoes a second level of diffusion process where it is XOR with the map a finite number of times. After every round, the pixel array is circular shifted three times to achieve a strong encrypted image. The experimental and comparative analysis done with state of the art techniques on the proposed image encryption algorithm shows that it is strong enough to resist statistical and differential attacks present in the communication channel.
Shafei, Raed.  2022.  Ibn Omar Hash Algorithm. 2022 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :753—756.
A hash is a fixed-length output of some data that has been through a one-way function that cannot be reversed, called the hashing algorithm. Hashing algorithms are used to store secure information, such as passwords. They are stored as hashes after they have been through a hashing algorithm. Also, hashing algorithms are used to insure the checksum of certain data over the internet. This paper discusses how Ibn Omar's hashing algorithm will provide higher security for data than other hash functions used nowadays. Ibn Omar's hashing algorithm in produces an output of 1024 bits, four times as SHA256 and twice as SHA512. Ibn Omar's hashing algorithm reduces the vulnerability of a hash collision due to its size. Also, it would require enormous computational power to find a collision. There are eight salts per input. This hashing algorithm aims to provide high privacy and security for users.
Wang, Juan, Ma, Chenjun, Li, Ziang, Yuan, Huanyu, Wang, Jie.  2022.  ProcGuard: Process Injection Behaviours Detection Using Fine-grained Analysis of API Call Chain with Deep Learning. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :778—785.

New malware increasingly adopts novel fileless techniques to evade detection from antivirus programs. Process injection is one of the most popular fileless attack techniques. This technique makes malware more stealthy by writing malicious code into memory space and reusing the name and port of the host process. It is difficult for traditional security software to detect and intercept process injections due to the stealthiness of its behavior. We propose a novel framework called ProcGuard for detecting process injection behaviors. This framework collects sensitive function call information of typical process injection. Then we perform a fine-grained analysis of process injection behavior based on the function call chain characteristics of the program, and we also use the improved RCNN network to enhance API analysis on the tampered memory segments. We combine API analysis with deep learning to determine whether a process injection attack has been executed. We collect a large number of malicious samples with process injection behavior and construct a dataset for evaluating the effectiveness of ProcGuard. The experimental results demonstrate that it achieves an accuracy of 81.58% with a lower false-positive rate compared to other systems. In addition, we also evaluate the detection time and runtime performance loss metrics of ProcGuard, both of which are improved compared to previous detection tools.

Nazih, Ossama, Benamar, Nabil, Lamaazi, Hanane, Chaoui, Habiba.  2022.  Challenges and future directions for security and privacy in vehicular fog computing. 2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT). :693—699.
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (CITS) has been introduced recently to increase road safety, traffic efficiency, and to enable various infotainment and comfort applications and services. To this end, a bunch technologies have been deployed to maintain and promote ITS. In essence, ITS is composed of vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and the environment that includes pedestrians, and other entities. Recently, several solutions were suggested to handle with the challenges faced by the vehicular networks (VN) using future internet architectures. One of the promising solutions proposed recently is Vehicular Fog computing (VFC), an attractive solution that supports sensitive service requests considering factors such as latency, mobility, localization, and scalability. VFC also provides a virtual platform for real-time big data analytic using servers or vehicles as a fog infrastructure. This paper surveys the general fog computing (FC) concept, the VFC architectures, and the key characteristics of several intelligent computing applications. We mainly focus on trust and security challenges in VFC deployment and real-time BD analytic in vehicular environment. We identify the faced challenges and future research directions in VFC and we highlight the research gap that can be exploited by researchers and vehicular manufactures while designing a new secure VFC architecture.
Almutairi, Mishaal M., Apostolopoulou, Dimitra, Halikias, George, Abi Sen, Adnan Ahmed, Yamin, Mohammad.  2022.  Enhancing Privacy and Security in Crowds using Fog Computing. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :57—62.
Thousands of crowded events take place every year. Often, management does not properly implement and manage privacy and security of data of the participants and personnel of the events. Crowds are also prone to significant security issues and become vulnerable to terrorist attacks. The aim of this paper is to propose a privacy and security framework for large, crowded events like the Hajj, Kumbh, Arba'een, and many sporting events and musical concerts. The proposed framework uses the latest technologies including Internet of Things, and Fog computing, especially in the Location based Services environments. The proposed framework can also be adapted for many other scenarios and situations.
Mell, Peter.  2022.  The Generation of Software Security Scoring Systems Leveraging Human Expert Opinion. 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :116—124.

While the existence of many security elements in software can be measured (e.g., vulnerabilities, security controls, or privacy controls), it is challenging to measure their relative security impact. In the physical world we can often measure the impact of individual elements to a system. However, in cyber security we often lack ground truth (i.e., the ability to directly measure significance). In this work we propose to solve this by leveraging human expert opinion to provide ground truth. Experts are iteratively asked to compare pairs of security elements to determine their relative significance. On the back end our knowledge encoding tool performs a form of binary insertion sort on a set of security elements using each expert as an oracle for the element comparisons. The tool not only sorts the elements (note that equality may be permitted), but it also records the strength or degree of each relationship. The output is a directed acyclic ‘constraint’ graph that provides a total ordering among the sets of equivalent elements. Multiple constraint graphs are then unified together to form a single graph that is used to generate a scoring or prioritization system.For our empirical study, we apply this domain-agnostic measurement approach to generate scoring/prioritization systems in the areas of vulnerability scoring, privacy control prioritization, and cyber security control evaluation.

Human, Soheil, Pandit, Harshvardhan J., Morel, Victor, Santos, Cristiana, Degeling, Martin, Rossi, Arianna, Botes, Wilhelmina, Jesus, Vitor, Kamara, Irene.  2022.  Data Protection and Consenting Communication Mechanisms: Current Open Proposals and Challenges. 2022 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). :231—239.
Data Protection and Consenting Communication Mechanisms (DPCCMs) enable users to express their privacy decisions and manage their online consent. Thus, they can become a crucial means of protecting individuals' online privacy and agency, thereby replacing the current problematic practices such as “consent dialogues”. Based on an in-depth analysis of different DPCCMs, we propose an interdisciplinary set of factors that can be used for a comparison of such mechanisms. Moreover, we use the results from a qualitative expert study to identify some of the main multidisciplinary challenges that DPCCMs should address to become widely adopted data privacy mechanisms. We leverage both the factors and the challenges to compare two current open specifications, i.e. the Advanced Data Protection Control (ADPC) and the Global Privacy Control (GPC), and discuss future work.
Lourens, Melanie, Naureen, Ayesha, Guha, Shouvik Kumar, Ahamad, Shahanawaj, Dharamvir, Tripathi, Vikas.  2022.  Circumstantial Discussion on Security and Privacy Protection using Cloud Computing Technology. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :1589—1593.
Cloud computing is becoming a demanding technology due to its flexibility, sensibility and remote accessibility. Apart from these applications of cloud computing, privacy and security are two terms that pose a circumstantial discussion. Various authors have argued on this topic that cloud computing is more secure than other data sharing and storing methods. The conventional data storing system is a computer system or smartphone storage. The argument debate also states that cloud computing is vulnerable to enormous types of attacks which make it a more concerning technology. This current study has also tried to draw the circumstantial and controversial debate on the security and privacy system of cloud computing. Primary research has been conducted with 65 cloud computing experts to understand whether a cloud computing security technique is highly secure or not. An online survey has been conducted with them where they provided their opinions based on the security and privacy system of cloud computing. Findings showed that no particular technology is available which can provide maximum security. Although the respondents agreed that blockchain is a more secure cloud computing technology; however, the blockchain also has certain threats which need to be addressed. The study has found essential encryption systems that can be integrated to strengthen security; however, continuous improvement is required.
Steffen, Samuel, Bichsel, Benjamin, Baumgartner, Roger, Vechev, Martin.  2022.  ZeeStar: Private Smart Contracts by Homomorphic Encryption and Zero-knowledge Proofs. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :179—197.
Data privacy is a key concern for smart contracts handling sensitive data. The existing work zkay addresses this concern by allowing developers without cryptographic expertise to enforce data privacy. However, while zkay avoids fundamental limitations of other private smart contract systems, it cannot express key applications that involve operations on foreign data.We present ZeeStar, a language and compiler allowing non-experts to instantiate private smart contracts and supporting operations on foreign data. The ZeeStar language allows developers to ergonomically specify privacy constraints using zkay’s privacy annotations. The ZeeStar compiler then provably realizes these constraints by combining non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs and additively homomorphic encryption.We implemented ZeeStar for the public blockchain Ethereum. We demonstrated its expressiveness by encoding 12 example contracts, including oblivious transfer and a private payment system like Zether. ZeeStar is practical: it prepares transactions for our contracts in at most 54.7s, at an average cost of 339k gas.
Shetty, Pallavi, Joshi, Kapil, Raman, Dr. Ramakrishnan, Rao, K. Naga Venkateshwara, Kumar, Dr. A. Vijaya, Tiwari, Mohit.  2022.  A Framework of Artificial Intelligence for the Manufacturing and Image Classification system. 2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). :1504—1508.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been successfully employed in industries for decades, beginning with the invention of expert systems in the 1960s and continuing through the present ubiquity of deep learning. Data-driven AI solutions have grown increasingly common as a means of supporting ever-more complicated industrial processes owing to the accessibility of affordable computer and storage infrastructure. Despite recent optimism, implementing AI to smart industrial applications still offers major difficulties. The present paper gives an executive summary of AI methodologies with an emphasis on deep learning before detailing unresolved issues in AI safety, data privacy, and data quality — all of which are necessary for completely automated commercial AI systems.
Vadlamudi, Sailaja, Sam, Jenifer.  2022.  Unified Payments Interface – Preserving the Data Privacy of Consumers. 2022 International Conference on Cyber Resilience (ICCR). :1—6.
With the advent of ease of access to the internet and an increase in digital literacy among citizens, digitization of the banking sector has throttled. Countries are now aiming for a cashless society. The introduction of a Unified Payment Interface (UPI) by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) in April 2016 is a game-changer for cashless models. UPI payment model is currently considered the world’s most advanced payment system, and we see many countries adopting this cashless payment mode. With the increase in its popularity, there arises the increased need to strengthen the security posture of the payment solution. In this work, we explore the privacy challenges in the existing data flow of UPI models and propose approaches to preserve the privacy of customers using the Unified Payments Interface.
Moni, Shafika Showkat, Gupta, Deepti.  2022.  Secure and Efficient Privacy-preserving Authentication Scheme using Cuckoo Filter in Remote Patient Monitoring Network. 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS-ISA). :208—216.
With the ubiquitous advancement in smart medical devices and systems, the potential of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) network is evolving in modern healthcare systems. The medical professionals (doctors, nurses, or medical experts) can access vitals and sensitive physiological information about the patients and provide proper treatment to improve the quality of life through the RPM network. However, the wireless nature of communication in the RPM network makes it challenging to design an efficient mechanism for secure communication. Many authentication schemes have been proposed in recent years to ensure the security of the RPM network. Pseudonym, digital signature, and Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocols are used for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to develop secure authorization and privacy-preserving communication. However, traditional authentication protocols face overhead challenges due to maintaining a large set of key-pairs or pseudonyms results on the hospital cloud server. In this research work, we identify this research gap and propose a novel secure and efficient privacy-preserving authentication scheme using cuckoo filters for the RPM network. The use of cuckoo filters in our proposed scheme provides an efficient way for mutual anonymous authentication and a secret shared key establishment process between medical professionals and patients. Moreover, we identify the misbehaving sensor nodes using a correlation-based anomaly detection model to establish secure communication. The security analysis and formal security validation using SPAN and AVISPA tools show the robustness of our proposed scheme against message modification attacks, replay attacks, and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Khokhlov, Igor, Okutan, Ahmet, Bryla, Ryan, Simmons, Steven, Mirakhorli, Mehdi.  2022.  Automated Extraction of Software Names from Vulnerability Reports using LSTM and Expert System. 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :125—134.
Software vulnerabilities are closely monitored by the security community to timely address the security and privacy issues in software systems. Before a vulnerability is published by vulnerability management systems, it needs to be characterized to highlight its unique attributes, including affected software products and versions, to help security professionals prioritize their patches. Associating product names and versions with disclosed vulnerabilities may require a labor-intensive process that may delay their publication and fix, and thereby give attackers more time to exploit them. This work proposes a machine learning method to extract software product names and versions from unstructured CVE descriptions automatically. It uses Word2Vec and Char2Vec models to create context-aware features from CVE descriptions and uses these features to train a Named Entity Recognition (NER) model using bidirectional Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. Based on the attributes of the product names and versions in previously published CVE descriptions, we created a set of Expert System (ES) rules to refine the predictions of the NER model and improve the performance of the developed method. Experiment results on real-life CVE examples indicate that using the trained NER model and the set of ES rules, software names and versions in unstructured CVE descriptions could be identified with F-Measure values above 0.95.
Schindler, Christian, Atas, Müslüm, Strametz, Thomas, Feiner, Johannes, Hofer, Reinhard.  2022.  Privacy Leak Identification in Third-Party Android Libraries. 2022 Seventh International Conference On Mobile And Secure Services (MobiSecServ). :1—6.
Developers of mobile applications rely on the trust of their customers. On the one hand the requirement exists to create feature-rich and secure apps, which adhere to privacy standards to not deliberately disclose user information. On the other hand the development process must be streamlined to reduce costs. Here third-party libraries come into play. Inclusion of many, possibly nested libraries pose security risks, app-creators are often not aware of. This paper presents a way to combine free open-source tools to support developers in checking their application that it does not induce security issues by using third-party libraries. The tools FlowDroid, Frida, and mitm-proxy are used in combination in a simple and viable way to perform checks to identify privacy leaks of third-party apps. Our proposed setup and configuration empowers average app developers to preserve user privacy without being dedicated security experts and without expensive external advice.
Tomaras, Dimitrios, Tsenos, Michail, Kalogeraki, Vana.  2022.  A Framework for Supporting Privacy Preservation Functions in a Mobile Cloud Environment. 2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). :286—289.
The problem of privacy protection of trajectory data has received increasing attention in recent years with the significant grow in the volume of users that contribute trajectory data with rich user information. This creates serious privacy concerns as exposing an individual's privacy information may result in attacks threatening the user's safety. In this demonstration we present TP$^\textrm3$ a novel practical framework for supporting trajectory privacy preservation in Mobile Cloud Environments (MCEs). In TP$^\textrm3$, non-expert users submit their trajectories and the system is responsible to determine their privacy exposure before sharing them to data analysts in return for various benefits, e.g. better recommendations. TP$^\textrm3$ makes a number of contributions: (a) It evaluates the privacy exposure of the users utilizing various privacy operations, (b) it is latency-efficient as it implements the privacy operations as serverless functions which can scale automatically to serve an increasing number of users with low latency, and (c) it is practical and cost-efficient as it exploits the serverless model to adapt to the demands of the users with low operational costs for the service provider. Finally, TP$^\textrm3$'s Web-UI provides insights to the service provider regarding the performance and the respective revenue from the service usage, while enabling the user to submit the trajectories with recommended preferences of privacy.
Genç, Yasin, Habek, Muhammed, Aytaş, Nilay, Akkoç, Ahmet, Afacan, Erkan, Yazgan, Erdem.  2022.  Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Security in Connected Vehicles. 2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1–4.
The concept of a connected vehicle refers to the linking of vehicles to each other and to other things. Today, developments in the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G have made a significant contribution to connected vehicle technology. In addition to many positive contributions, connected vehicle technology also brings with it many security-related problems. In this study, a digital signature algorithm based on elliptic curve cryptography is proposed to verify the message and identity sent to the vehicles. In the proposed model, with the anonymous identification given to the vehicle by the central unit, the vehicle is prevented from being detected by other vehicles and third parties. Thus, even if the personal data produced in the vehicles is shared, it cannot be found which vehicle it belongs to.
ISSN: 2165-0608
Sunil Raj, Y., Albert Rabara, S., Britto Ramesh Kumar, S..  2022.  A Security Architecture for Cloud Data Using Hybrid Security Scheme. 2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). :1766–1774.
Cloud Computing revolutionize the usage of Internet of Things enabled devices integrated via Internet. Providing everything in an outsourced fashion, Cloud also lends infrastructures such as storage. Though cloud makes it easy for us to store and access the data faster and easier, yet there exist various security and privacy risks. Such issues if not handled may become more threatening as it could even disclose the privacy of an individual/ organization. Strengthening the security of data is need of the hour. The work proposes a novel architecture enhancing the security of Cloud data in an IoT integrated environment. In order to enhance the security, systematic use of a modified hybrid mechanism based on DNA code and Elliptic Curve Cryptography along with Third Party Audit is proposed. The performance of the proposed mechanism has been analysed. The results ensures that proposed IoT Cloud architecture performs better while providing strong security which is the major aspect of the work.
Li, Suozai, Huang, Ming, Wang, Qinghao, Zhang, Yongxin, Lu, Ning, Shi, Wenbo, Lei, Hong.  2022.  T-PPA: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Payment System with Efficient Auditability Based on TEE. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1255–1263.
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum achieve decentralized payment by maintaining a globally distributed and append-only ledger. Recently, several researchers have sought to achieve privacy-preserving auditing, which is a crucial function for scenarios that require regulatory compliance, for decentralized payment systems. However, those proposed schemes usually cost much time for the cooperation between the auditor and the user due to leveraging complex cryptographic tools such as zero-knowledge proof. To tackle the problem, we present T-PPA, a privacy-preserving decentralized payment system, which provides customizable and efficient auditability by leveraging trusted execution environments (TEEs). T-PPA demands the auditor construct audit programs based on request and execute them in the TEE to protect the privacy of transactions. Then, identity-based encryption (IBE) is employed to construct the separation of power between the agency nodes and the auditor and to protect the privacy of transactions out of TEE. The experimental results show that T-PPA can achieve privacy-preserving audits with acceptable overhead.
Reis, Lúcio H. A., de Oliveira, Marcela T., Olabarriaga, Sílvia D..  2022.  Fine-grained Encryption for Secure Research Data Sharing. 2022 IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). :465–470.
Research data sharing requires provision of adequate security. The requirements for data privacy are extremely demanding for medical data that is reused for research purposes. To address these requirements, the research institutions must implement adequate security measurements, and this demands large effort and costs to do it properly. The usage of adequate access controls and data encryption are key approaches to effectively protect research data confidentiality; however, the management of the encryption keys is challenging. There are novel mechanisms that can be explored for managing access to the encryption keys and encrypted files. These mechanisms guarantee that data are accessed by authorised users and that auditing is possible. In this paper we explore these mechanisms to implement a secure research medical data sharing system. In the proposed system, the research data are stored on a secure cloud system. The data are partitioned into subsets, each one encrypted with a unique key. After the authorisation process, researchers are given rights to use one or more of the keys and to selectively access and decrypt parts of the dataset. Our proposed solution offers automated fine-grain access control to research data, saving time and work usually made manually. Moreover, it maximises and fortifies users' trust in data sharing through secure clouds solutions. We present an initial evaluation and conclude with a discussion about the limitations, open research questions and future work around this challenging topic.
ISSN: 2372-9198
Priya, M Janani, Yamuna, G.  2022.  Privacy preserving Data security model for Cloud Computing Technology. 2022 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN). :1–5.
New advancements in cloud computing technology enable the usage of cloud platforms for business purposes rapidly increasing every day. Data accumulation related to business transactions, Communications, business model architecture and much other information are stored in the cloud platform and access Dubai the business Associates commonly. Considering the security point of view data stored in the cloud need to be highly secured and accessed through authentication. The proposed system is focused on evaluating a cloud integrity auditing model in which the security and privacy preserving system is being audited, privacy is decided using a machine learning algorithm. The proposed model is developed using a hybrid CatBoost algorithm (HCBA) in which the input data is stored into the cloud platform using Bring your own encryption Key (BYOEK). The security of BYOEK model is evaluated and validated with respect to the given test model in terms of Execution time comparison Vs. Data transactions.
Narayanan, K. Lakshmi, Naresh, R..  2022.  A Effective Encryption and Different Integrity Schemes to Improve the Performance of Cloud Services. 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT). :1–5.
Recent modern era becomes a multi-user environment. It's hard to store and retrieve data in secure manner at the end user side is a hectic challenge. Difference of Cloud computing compare to Network Computing can be accessed from multiple company servers. Cloud computing makes the users and organization to opt their services. Due to effective growth of the Cloud Technology. Data security, Data Privacy key validation and tracing of user are severe concern. It is hard to trace malicious users who misuse the secrecy. To reduce the rate of misuse in secrecy user revocation is used. Audit Log helps in Maintaining the history of malicious user also helps in maintaining the data integrity in cloud. Cloud Monitoring Metrics helps in the evaluation survey study of different Metrics. In this paper we give an in depth survey about Back-end of cloud services their concerns and the importance of privacy in cloud, Privacy Mechanism in cloud, Ways to Improve the Privacy in cloud, Hazards, Cloud Computing Issues and Challenges we discuss the need of cryptography and a survey of existing cryptographic algorithms. We discuss about the auditing and its classifications with respect to comparative study. In this paper analyzed various encryption schemes and auditing schemes with several existing algorithms which help in the improvement of cloud services.
Salman, Zainab, Alomary, Alauddin.  2022.  An Efficient Approach to Reduce the Encryption and Decryption Time Based on the Concept of Unique Values. 2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT). :535–540.
Data security has become the most important issue in every institution or company. With the existence of hackers, intruders, and third parties on the cloud, securing data has become more challenging. This paper uses a hybrid encryption method that is based on the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). ECC is used as a lightweight encryption algorithm that can provide a good level of security. Besides, FHE is used to enable data computation on the encrypted data in the cloud. In this paper, the concept of unique values is combined with the hybrid encryption method. Using the concept of unique values contributes to decreasing the encryption and decryption time obviously. To evaluate the performance of the combined encryption method, the provided results are compared with the ones in the encryption method without using the concept of unique values. Experiments show that the combined encryption method can reduce the encryption time up to 43% and the decryption time up to 56%.
ISSN: 2770-7466
B C, Manoj Kumar, R J, Anil Kumar, D, Shashidhara, M, Prem Singh.  2022.  Data Encryption and Decryption Using DNA and Embedded Technology. 2022 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT). :1—5.
Securing communication and information is known as cryptography. To convert messages from plain text to cipher text and the other way around. It is the process of protecting the data and sending it to the right audience so they can understand and process it. Hence, unauthorized access is avoided. This work suggests leveraging DNA technology for encrypt and decrypt the data. The main aim of utilizing the AES in this stage will transform ASCII code to hexadecimal to binary coded form and generate DNA. The message is encrypted with a random key. Shared key used for encrypt and decrypt the data. The encrypted data will be disguised as an image using steganography. To protect our data from hijackers, assailants, and muggers, it is frequently employed in institutions, banking, etc.
Hassan, Shahriar, Muztaba, Md. Asif, Hossain, Md. Shohrab, Narman, Husnu S..  2022.  A Hybrid Encryption Technique based on DNA Cryptography and Steganography. 2022 IEEE 13th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0501—0508.
The importance of data and its transmission rate are increasing as the world is moving towards online services every day. Thus, providing data security is becoming of utmost importance. This paper proposes a secure data encryption and hiding method based on DNA cryptography and steganography. Our approach uses DNA for encryption and data hiding processes due to its high capacity and simplicity in securing various kinds of data. Our proposed method has two phases. In the first phase, it encrypts the data using DNA bases along with Huffman coding. In the second phase, it hides the encrypted data into a DNA sequence using a substitution algorithm. Our proposed method is blind and preserves biological functionality. The result shows a decent cracking probability with comparatively better capacity. Our proposed method has eliminated most limitations identified in the related works. Our proposed hybrid technique can provide a double layer of security to sensitive data.
Bari, N., Wajid, M., Ali Shah, M., Ejaz, G., Stanikzai, A. Q..  2022.  Securing digital economies byimplementing DNA cryptography with amino acid and one-time pad. Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (CADE 2022). 2022:99—104.
Technology is transforming rapidly. Security during data transmission is an increasingly critical and essential factor for the integrity and confidentiality of data in the financial domain, such as e-commerce transactions and bank transactions, etc. We cannot overestimate the importance of encryption/decryption of information in the digital economy. The need to strengthen and secure the digital economy is urgent. Cryptography maintains the security and integrity of data kept on computers and data communicated over the internet using encryption/decryption. A new concept in cryptography named DNA cryptography has attracted the interest of information security professionals. The DNA cryptography method hides data using a DNA sequence, with DNA encryption converting binary data into the DNA sequence. Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a long polymer strand having nitrogen bases adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G), which play an important role in plain text encoding and decoding. DNA has high storage capacity, fast processing, and high computation capacity, and is more secure than other cryptography algorithms. DNA cryptography supports both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. DNA cryptography can encrypt numeric values, English language and unicast. The main aim of this paper is to explain different aspects of DNA cryptography and how it works. We also compare different DNA algorithms/methods proposed in a previous paper, and implement DNA cryptography using one-time pad (OTP) and amino acid sequence using java language. OTP is used for symmetric key generation and the DNA sequence is converted to an amino acid sequence to create confusion.