Jin, Z., Yu, P., Guo, S. Y., Feng, L., Zhou, F., Tao, M., Li, W., Qiu, X., Shi, L..
Cyber-Physical Risk Driven Routing Planning with Deep Reinforcement-Learning in Smart Grid Communication Networks. 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :1278—1283.
In modern grid systems which is a typical cyber-physical System (CPS), information space and physical space are closely related. Once the communication link is interrupted, it will make a great damage to the power system. If the service path is too concentrated, the risk will be greatly increased. In order to solve this problem, this paper constructs a route planning algorithm that combines node load pressure, link load balance and service delay risk. At present, the existing intelligent algorithms are easy to fall into the local optimal value, so we chooses the deep reinforcement learning algorithm (DRL). Firstly, we build a risk assessment model. The node risk assessment index is established by using the node load pressure, and then the link risk assessment index is established by using the average service communication delay and link balance degree. The route planning problem is then solved by a route planning algorithm based on DRL. Finally, experiments are carried out in a simulation scenario of a power grid system. The results show that our method can find a lower risk path than the original Dijkstra algorithm and the Constraint-Dijkstra algorithm.
Khoury, J., Nassar, M..
A Hybrid Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning Approach for Cyber-Physical Systems Security. NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1—9.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are monitored and controlled by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems that use advanced computing, sensors, control systems, and communication networks. At first, CPS and SCADA systems were protected and secured by isolation. However, with recent industrial technology advances, the increased connectivity of CPSs and SCADA systems to enterprise networks has uncovered them to new cybersecurity threats and made them a primary target for cyber-attacks with the potential of causing catastrophic economic, social, and environmental damage. Recent research focuses on new methodologies for risk modeling and assessment using game theory and reinforcement learning. This paperwork proposes to frame CPS security on two different levels, strategic and battlefield, by meeting ideas from game theory and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). The strategic level is modeled as imperfect information, extensive form game. Here, the human administrator and the malware author decide on the strategies of defense and attack, respectively. At the battlefield level, strategies are implemented by machine learning agents that derive optimal policies for run-time decisions. The outcomes of these policies manifest as the utility at a higher level, where we aim to reach a Nash Equilibrium (NE) in favor of the defender. We simulate the scenario of a virus spreading in the context of a CPS network. We present experiments using the MiniCPS simulator and the OpenAI Gym toolkit and discuss the results.
Başkaya, D., Samet, R..
DDoS Attacks Detection by Using Machine Learning Methods on Online Systems. 2020 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK). :52—57.
DDoS attacks impose serious threats to many large or small organizations; therefore DDoS attacks have to be detected as soon as possible. In this study, a methodology to detect DDoS attacks is proposed and implemented on online systems. In the scope of the proposed methodology, Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), C-Support Vector Machine (SVC) machine learning methods are used with scaling and feature reduction preprocessing methods and then effects of preprocesses on detection accuracy rates of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) flood, TCP SYN (Transport Control Protocol Synchronize) flood, UDP (User Datagram Protocol) flood and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) flood DDoS attacks are analyzed. Obtained results showed that DDoS attacks can be detected with high accuracy of 99.2%.
Wang, L., Liu, Y..
A DDoS Attack Detection Method Based on Information Entropy and Deep Learning in SDN. 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). 1:1084—1088.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) decouples the control plane and the data plane and solves the difficulty of new services deployment. However, the threat of a single point of failure is also introduced at the same time. The attacker can launch DDoS attacks towards the controller through switches. In this paper, a DDoS attack detection method based on information entropy and deep learning is proposed. Firstly, suspicious traffic can be inspected through information entropy detection by the controller. Then, fine-grained packet-based detection is executed by the convolutional neural network (CNN) model to distinguish between normal traffic and attack traffic. Finally, the controller performs the defense strategy to intercept the attack. The experiments indicate that the accuracy of this method reaches 98.98%, which has the potential to detect DDoS attack traffic effectively in the SDN environment.
Nandi, S., Phadikar, S., Majumder, K..
Detection of DDoS Attack and Classification Using a Hybrid Approach. 2020 Third ISEA Conference on Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP). :41—47.
In the area of cloud security, detection of DDoS attack is a challenging task such that legitimate users use the cloud resources properly. So in this paper, detection and classification of the attacking packets and normal packets are done by using various machine learning classifiers. We have selected the most relevant features from NSL KDD dataset using five (Information gain, gain ratio, chi-squared, ReliefF, and symmetrical uncertainty) commonly used feature selection methods. Now from the entire selected feature set, the most important features are selected by applying our hybrid feature selection method. Since all the anomalous instances of the dataset do not belong to DDoS category so we have separated only the DDoS packets from the dataset using the selected features. Finally, the dataset has been prepared and named as KDD DDoS dataset by considering the selected DDoS packets and normal packets. This KDD DDoS dataset has been discretized using discretize tool in weka for getting better performance. Finally, this discretize dataset has been applied on some commonly used (Naive Bayes, Bayes Net, Decision Table, J48 and Random Forest) classifiers for determining the detection rate of the classifiers. 10 fold cross validation has been used here for measuring the robustness of the system. To measure the efficiency of our hybrid feature selection method, we have also applied the same set of classifiers on the NSL KDD dataset, where it gives the best anomaly detection rate of 99.72% and average detection rate 98.47% similarly, we have applied the same set of classifiers on NSL DDoS dataset and obtain the average DDoS detection of 99.01% and the best DDoS detection rate of 99.86%. In order to compare the performance of our proposed hybrid method, we have also applied the existing feature selection methods and measured the detection rate using the same set of classifiers. Finally, we have seen that our hybrid approach for detecting the DDoS attack gives the best detection rate compared to some existing methods.
He, J., Tan, Y., Guo, W., Xian, M..
A Small Sample DDoS Attack Detection Method Based on Deep Transfer Learning. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Network Security (CCNS). :47—50.
When using deep learning for DDoS attack detection, there is a general degradation in detection performance due to small sample size. This paper proposes a small-sample DDoS attack detection method based on deep transfer learning. First, deep learning techniques are used to train several neural networks that can be used for transfer in DDoS attacks with sufficient samples. Then we design a transferability metric to compare the transfer performance of different networks. With this metric, the network with the best transfer performance can be selected among the four networks. Then for a small sample of DDoS attacks, this paper demonstrates that the deep learning detection technique brings deterioration in performance, with the detection performance dropping from 99.28% to 67%. Finally, we end up with a 20.8% improvement in detection performance by deep transfer of the 8LANN network in the target domain. The experiment shows that the detection method based on deep transfer learning proposed in this paper can well improve the performance deterioration of deep learning techniques for small sample DDoS attack detection.
Shi, Y., Sagduyu, Y. E., Erpek, T..
Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Resource Optimization in 5G Radio Access Network Slicing. 2020 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). :1—6.
The paper presents a reinforcement learning solution to dynamic resource allocation for 5G radio access network slicing. Available communication resources (frequency-time blocks and transmit powers) and computational resources (processor usage) are allocated to stochastic arrivals of network slice requests. Each request arrives with priority (weight), throughput, computational resource, and latency (deadline) requirements, and if feasible, it is served with available communication and computational resources allocated over its requested duration. As each decision of resource allocation makes some of the resources temporarily unavailable for future, the myopic solution that can optimize only the current resource allocation becomes ineffective for network slicing. Therefore, a Q-learning solution is presented to maximize the network utility in terms of the total weight of granted network slicing requests over a time horizon subject to communication and computational constraints. Results show that reinforcement learning provides major improvements in the 5G network utility relative to myopic, random, and first come first served solutions. While reinforcement learning sustains scalable performance as the number of served users increases, it can also be effectively used to assign resources to network slices when 5G needs to share the spectrum with incumbent users that may dynamically occupy some of the frequency-time blocks.