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Xin, B., Yang, W., Geng, Y., Chen, S., Wang, S., Huang, L..  2020.  Private FL-GAN: Differential Privacy Synthetic Data Generation Based on Federated Learning. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2927–2931.
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has already made a big splash in the field of generating realistic "fake" data. However, when data is distributed and data-holders are reluctant to share data for privacy reasons, GAN's training is difficult. To address this issue, we propose private FL-GAN, a differential privacy generative adversarial network model based on federated learning. By strategically combining the Lipschitz limit with the differential privacy sensitivity, the model can generate high-quality synthetic data without sacrificing the privacy of the training data. We theoretically prove that private FL-GAN can provide strict privacy guarantee with differential privacy, and experimentally demonstrate our model can generate satisfactory data.
Lyu, L..  2020.  Lightweight Crypto-Assisted Distributed Differential Privacy for Privacy-Preserving Distributed Learning. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
The appearance of distributed learning allows multiple participants to collaboratively train a global model, where instead of directly releasing their private training data with the server, participants iteratively share their local model updates (parameters) with the server. However, recent attacks demonstrate that sharing local model updates is not sufficient to provide reasonable privacy guarantees, as local model updates may result in significant privacy leakage about local training data of participants. To address this issue, in this paper, we present an alternative approach that combines distributed differential privacy (DDP) with a three-layer encryption protocol to achieve a better privacy-utility tradeoff than the existing DP-based approaches. An unbiased encoding algorithm is proposed to cope with floating-point values, while largely reducing mean squared error due to rounding. Our approach dispenses with the need for any trusted server, and enables each party to add less noise to achieve the same privacy and similar utility guarantees as that of the centralized differential privacy. Preliminary analysis and performance evaluation confirm the effectiveness of our approach, which achieves significantly higher accuracy than that of local differential privacy approach, and comparable accuracy to the centralized differential privacy approach.
Bhat, P., Batakurki, M., Chari, M..  2020.  Classifier with Deep Deviation Detection in PoE-IoT Devices. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). :1–3.
With the rapid growth in diversity of PoE-IoT devices and concept of "Edge intelligence", PoE-IoT security and behavior analysis is the major concern. These PoE-IoT devices lack visibility when the entire network infrastructure is taken into account. The IoT devices are prone to have design faults in their security capabilities. The entire network may be put to risk by attacks on vulnerable IoT devices or malware might get introduced into IoT devices even by routine operations such as firmware upgrade. There have been various approaches based on machine learning(ML) to classify PoE-IoT devices based on network traffic characteristics such as Deep Packet Inspection(DPI). In this paper, we propose a novel method for PoE-IoT classification where ML algorithm, Decision Tree is used. In addition to classification, this method provides useful insights to the network deployment, based on the deviations detected. These insights can further be used for shaping policies, troubleshooting and behavior analysis of PoE-IoT devices.
Saleh, I., Ji, H..  2020.  Network Traffic Images: A Deep Learning Approach to the Challenge of Internet Traffic Classification. 2020 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0329–0334.
The challenge of network traffic classification exists at the heart of many networking related tasks aimed at improving the overall user experience and usability of the internet. Current techniques, such as deep packet inspection, depend heavily on interaction by network administrators and engineers to maintain up to date stores of application network signatures and the infrastructure required to utilize them effectively. In this paper, we introduce Network Traffic Images, a 2-dimensional (2D) formulation of a stream of packet header lengths, which enable us to employ deep convolutional neural networks for network traffic classification. Five different network traffic image orientation mappings are carefully designed to deduce the best way to transform the 1-dimensional packet-subflow into a 2D image. Two different mapping strategies, one packet-relative and the other time-relative, are experimented with to map the packets of a packet flow to the pixels in the image. Experiments shows that high classification accuracy can be achieved with minimal manual effort using network traffic images in deep learning.
Malik, A., Fréin, R. de, Al-Zeyadi, M., Andreu-Perez, J..  2020.  Intelligent SDN Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning: Deep-SDN. 2020 2nd International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI). :184–189.
Accurate traffic classification is fundamentally important for various network activities such as fine-grained network management and resource utilisation. Port-based approaches, deep packet inspection and machine learning are widely used techniques to classify and analyze network traffic flows. However, over the past several years, the growth of Internet traffic has been explosive due to the greatly increased number of Internet users. Therefore, both port-based and deep packet inspection approaches have become inefficient due to the exponential growth of the Internet applications that incurs high computational cost. The emerging paradigm of software-defined networking has reshaped the network architecture by detaching the control plane from the data plane to result in a centralised network controller that maintains a global view over the whole network on its domain. In this paper, we propose a new deep learning model for software-defined networks that can accurately identify a wide range of traffic applications in a short time, called Deep-SDN. The performance of the proposed model was compared against the state-of-the-art and better results were reported in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and f-measure. It has been found that 96% as an overall accuracy can be achieved with the proposed model. Based on the obtained results, some further directions are suggested towards achieving further advances in this research area.
Barni, M., Nowroozi, E., Tondi, B., Zhang, B..  2020.  Effectiveness of Random Deep Feature Selection for Securing Image Manipulation Detectors Against Adversarial Examples. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2977—2981.

We investigate if the random feature selection approach proposed in [1] to improve the robustness of forensic detectors to targeted attacks, can be extended to detectors based on deep learning features. In particular, we study the transferability of adversarial examples targeting an original CNN image manipulation detector to other detectors (a fully connected neural network and a linear SVM) that rely on a random subset of the features extracted from the flatten layer of the original network. The results we got by considering three image manipulation detection tasks (resizing, median filtering and adaptive histogram equalization), two original network architectures and three classes of attacks, show that feature randomization helps to hinder attack transferability, even if, in some cases, simply changing the architecture of the detector, or even retraining the detector is enough to prevent the transferability of the attacks.

Raju, R. S., Lipasti, M..  2020.  BlurNet: Defense by Filtering the Feature Maps. 2020 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W). :38—46.

Recently, the field of adversarial machine learning has been garnering attention by showing that state-of-the-art deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, stemming from small perturbations being added to the input image. Adversarial examples are generated by a malicious adversary by obtaining access to the model parameters, such as gradient information, to alter the input or by attacking a substitute model and transferring those malicious examples over to attack the victim model. Specifically, one of these attack algorithms, Robust Physical Perturbations (RP2), generates adversarial images of stop signs with black and white stickers to achieve high targeted misclassification rates against standard-architecture traffic sign classifiers. In this paper, we propose BlurNet, a defense against the RP2 attack. First, we motivate the defense with a frequency analysis of the first layer feature maps of the network on the LISA dataset, which shows that high frequency noise is introduced into the input image by the RP2 algorithm. To remove the high frequency noise, we introduce a depthwise convolution layer of standard blur kernels after the first layer. We perform a blackbox transfer attack to show that low-pass filtering the feature maps is more beneficial than filtering the input. We then present various regularization schemes to incorporate this lowpass filtering behavior into the training regime of the network and perform white-box attacks. We conclude with an adaptive attack evaluation to show that the success rate of the attack drops from 90% to 20% with total variation regularization, one of the proposed defenses.

Yang, H., Huang, L., Luo, C., Yu, Q..  2020.  Research on Intelligent Security Protection of Privacy Data in Government Cyberspace. 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :284—288.

Based on the analysis of the difficulties and pain points of privacy protection in the opening and sharing of government data, this paper proposes a new method for intelligent discovery and protection of structured and unstructured privacy data. Based on the improvement of the existing government data masking process, this method introduces the technologies of NLP and machine learning, studies the intelligent discovery of sensitive data, the automatic recommendation of masking algorithm and the full automatic execution following the improved masking process. In addition, the dynamic masking and static masking prototype with text and database as data source are designed and implemented with agent-based intelligent masking middleware. The results show that the recognition range and protection efficiency of government privacy data, especially government unstructured text have been significantly improved.

Iskhakov, A., Jharko, E..  2020.  Approach to Security Provision of Machine Vision for Unmanned Vehicles of “Smart City”. 2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). :1—5.

By analogy to nature, sight is the main integral component of robotic complexes, including unmanned vehicles. In this connection, one of the urgent tasks in the modern development of unmanned vehicles is the solution to the problem of providing security for new advanced systems, algorithms, methods, and principles of space navigation of robots. In the paper, we present an approach to the protection of machine vision systems based on technologies of deep learning. At the heart of the approach lies the “Feature Squeezing” method that works on the phase of model operation. It allows us to detect “adversarial” examples. Considering the urgency and importance of the target process, the features of unmanned vehicle hardware platforms and also the necessity of execution of tasks on detecting of the objects in real-time mode, it was offered to carry out an additional simple computational procedure of localization and classification of required objects in case of crossing a defined in advance threshold of “adversarial” object testing.

Lim, K., Islam, T., Kim, H., Joung, J..  2020.  A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme based on ADAS Sensors for Vehicular Networks. 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–5.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a promising technology for autonomous driving as it provides many benefits and user conveniences to improve road safety and driving comfort. Sybil attack is one of the most serious threats in vehicular communications because attackers can generate multiple forged identities to disseminate false messages to disrupt safety-related services or misuse the systems. To address this issue, we propose a Sybil attack detection scheme using ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistant System) sensors installed on modern passenger vehicles, without the assistance of trusted third party authorities or infrastructure. Also, a deep learning based object detection technique is used to accurately identify nearby objects for Sybil attack detection and the multi-step verification process minimizes the false positive of the detection.
Lee, M.-F. R., Chien, T.-W..  2020.  Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Robotic Disaster Response. 2020 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS). :1–6.
After the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the Wenchuan earthquake, the relevant government agencies recognized the urgency of disaster-straining robots. There are many natural or man-made disasters in Taiwan, and it is usually impossible to dispatch relevant personnel to search or explore immediately. The project proposes to use the architecture of Intelligent Internet of Things (AIoT) (Artificial Intelligence + Internet of Things) to coordinate with ground, surface and aerial and underwater robots, and apply them to disaster response, ground, surface and aerial and underwater swarm robots to collect environmental big data from the disaster site, and then through the Internet of Things. From the field workstation to the cloud for “training” deep learning model and “model verification”, the trained deep learning model is transmitted to the field workstation via the Internet of Things, and then transmitted to the ground, surface and aerial and underwater swarm robots for on-site continuing objects classification. Continuously verify the “identification” with the environment and make the best decisions for the response. The related tasks include monitoring, search and rescue of the target.
Arjoune, Y., Salahdine, F., Islam, M. S., Ghribi, E., Kaabouch, N..  2020.  A Novel Jamming Attacks Detection Approach Based on Machine Learning for Wireless Communication. 2020 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :459–464.
Jamming attacks target a wireless network creating an unwanted denial of service. 5G is vulnerable to these attacks despite its resilience prompted by the use of millimeter wave bands. Over the last decade, several types of jamming detection techniques have been proposed, including fuzzy logic, game theory, channel surfing, and time series. Most of these techniques are inefficient in detecting smart jammers. Thus, there is a great need for efficient and fast jamming detection techniques with high accuracy. In this paper, we compare the efficiency of several machine learning models in detecting jamming signals. We investigated the types of signal features that identify jamming signals, and generated a large dataset using these parameters. Using this dataset, the machine learning algorithms were trained, evaluated, and tested. These algorithms are random forest, support vector machine, and neural network. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated and compared using the probability of detection, probability of false alarm, probability of miss detection, and accuracy. The simulation results show that jamming detection based random forest algorithm can detect jammers with a high accuracy, high detection probability and low probability of false alarm.
Dong, D., Ye, Z., Su, J., Xie, S., Cao, Y., Kochan, R..  2020.  A Malware Detection Method Based on Improved Fireworks Algorithm and Support Vector Machine. 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :846–851.
The increasing of malwares has presented a serious threat to the security of computer systems in recent years. Traditional signature-based anti-virus systems are not able to detect metamorphic and previously unseen malwares and it inspires people to use machine learning methods such as Naive Bayes and Decision Tree to identity malicious executables. Among these methods, detecting malwares by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the most effective approaches. However, the parameters of SVM have serious impacts on its classification performance. In order to find the optimal parameter combination and avoid the problem of falling into local optimal solution, many methods based on evolutionary algorithms are proposed, including Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE) and others. But these algorithms still face the problem of being trapped into local solution spaces in different degree. In this paper, an improved fireworks algorithm is presented and applied to search parameters of SVM: penalty factor c and kernel function parameter g. To research the performance of the proposed algorithm, numeric experiments are made and compared with some typical algorithms, the experimental results demonstrate it outperforms other algorithms.
Yu, L., Chen, L., Dong, J., Li, M., Liu, L., Zhao, B., Zhang, C..  2020.  Detecting Malicious Web Requests Using an Enhanced TextCNN. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :768–777.
This paper proposes an approach that combines a deep learning-based method and a traditional machine learning-based method to efficiently detect malicious requests Web servers received. The first few layers of Convolutional Neural Network for Text Classification (TextCNN) are used to automatically extract powerful semantic features and in the meantime transferable statistical features are defined to boost the detection ability, specifically Web request parameter tampering. The semantic features from TextCNN and transferable statistical features from artificially-designing are grouped together to be fed into Support Vector Machine (SVM), replacing the last layer of TextCNN for classification. To facilitate the understanding of abstract features in form of numerical data in vectors extracted by TextCNN, this paper designs trace-back functions that map max-pooling outputs back to words in Web requests. After investigating the current available datasets for Web attack detection, HTTP Dataset CSIC 2010 is selected to test and verify the proposed approach. Compared with other deep learning models, the experimental results demonstrate that the approach proposed in this paper is competitive with the state-of-the-art.
Kyaw, A. T., Oo, M. Zin, Khin, C. S..  2020.  Machine-Learning Based DDOS Attack Classifier in Software Defined Network. 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :431–434.
Due to centralized control and programmable capability of the SDN architecture, network administrators can easily manage and control the whole network through the centralized controller. According to the SDN architecture, the SDN controller is vulnerable to distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks. Thus, a failure of SDN controller is a major leak for security concern. The objectives of paper is therefore to detect the DDOS attacks and classify the normal or attack traffic in SDN network using machine learning algorithms. In this proposed system, polynomial SVM is applied to compare to existing linear SVM by using scapy, which is packet generation tool and RYU SDN controller. According to the experimental result, polynomial SVM achieves 3% better accuracy and 34% lower false alarm rate compared to Linear SVM.
Deng, M., Wu, X., Feng, P., Zeng, W..  2020.  Sparse Support Vector Machine for Network Behavior Anomaly Detection. 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN). :199–204.
Network behavior anomaly detection (NBAD) require fast mechanisms for learning from the large scale data. However, the training velocity of general machine learning approach is largely limited by the adopted training weights of all features in the NBAD. In this paper, we notice, however, that the related weights matching of NBAD features is sparse, which is not necessary for holding all weights. Hence, in this paper, we consider an efficient support vector machine (SVM) approach for NBAD by imposing 1 -norm. Essentially, we propose to use sparse SVM (S-SVM), where sparsity in model, i.e. in weights is used to interfere with special feature selection and that can achieve feature selection and classification efficiently.
Habibi, G., Surantha, N..  2020.  XSS Attack Detection With Machine Learning and n-Gram Methods. 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech). :516–520.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is an attack most often carried out by attackers to attack a website by inserting malicious scripts into a website. This attack will take the user to a webpage that has been specifically designed to retrieve user sessions and cookies. Nearly 68% of websites are vulnerable to XSS attacks. In this study, the authors conducted a study by evaluating several machine learning methods, namely Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), and Naïve Bayes (NB). The machine learning algorithm is then equipped with the n-gram method to each script feature to improve the detection performance of XSS attacks. The simulation results show that the SVM and n-gram method achieves the highest accuracy with 98%.

Pandey, S., Singh, V..  2020.  Blackhole Attack Detection Using Machine Learning Approach on MANET. 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC). :797–802.

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) consists of different configurations, where it deals with the dynamic nature of its creation and also it is a self-configurable type of a network. The primary task in this type of networks is to develop a mechanism for routing that gives a high QoS parameter because of the nature of ad-hoc network. The Ad-hoc-on-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) used here is the on-demand routing mechanism for the computation of the trust. The proposed approach uses the Artificial neural network (ANN) and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the discovery of the black hole attacks in the network. The results are carried out between the black hole AODV and the security mechanism provided by us as the Secure AODV (SAODV). The results were tested on different number of nodes, at last, it has been experimented for 100 nodes which provide an improvement in energy consumption of 54.72%, the throughput is 88.68kbps, packet delivery ratio is 92.91% and the E to E delay is of about 37.27ms.

Zhou, Y., Zeng, Z..  2019.  Info-Retrieval with Relevance Feedback using Hybrid Learning Scheme for RS Image. 2019 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :135—138.

Relevance feedback can be considered as a learning problem. It has been extensively used to improve the performance of retrieval multimedia information. In this paper, after the relevance feedback upon content-based image retrieval (CBIR) discussed, a hybrid learning scheme on multi-target retrieval (MTR) with relevance feedback was proposed. Suppose the symbolic image database (SID) of object-level with combined image metadata and feature model was constructed. During the interactive query for remote sensing image, we calculate the similarity metric so as to get the relevant image sets from the image library. For the purpose of further improvement of the precision of image retrieval, a hybrid learning scheme parameter also need to be chosen. As a result, the idea of our hybrid learning scheme contains an exception maximization algorithm (EMA) used for retrieving the most relevant images from SID and an algorithm called supported vector machine (SVM) with relevance feedback used for learning the feedback information substantially. Experimental results show that our hybrid learning scheme with relevance feedback on MTR can improve the performance and accuracy compared the basic algorithms.

Correia, A., Fonseca, B., Paredes, H., Schneider, D., Jameel, S..  2019.  Development of a Crowd-Powered System Architecture for Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Domains. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). :1372—1377.
A substantial amount of work is often overlooked due to the exponential rate of growth in global scientific output across all disciplines. Current approaches for addressing this issue are usually limited in scope and often restrict the possibility of obtaining multidisciplinary views in practice. To tackle this problem, researchers can now leverage an ecosystem of citizens, volunteers and crowd workers to perform complex tasks that are either difficult for humans and machines to solve alone. Motivated by the idea that human crowds and computer algorithms have complementary strengths, we present an approach where the machine will learn from crowd behavior in an iterative way. This approach is embodied in the architecture of SciCrowd, a crowd-powered human-machine hybrid system designed to improve the analysis and processing of large amounts of publication records. To validate the proposal's feasibility, a prototype was developed and an initial evaluation was conducted to measure its robustness and reliability. We conclude this paper with a set of implications for design.
Mikołajczyk, A., Grochowski, M..  2019.  Style transfer-based image synthesis as an efficient regularization technique in deep learning. 2019 24th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). :42—47.

These days deep learning is the fastest-growing area in the field of Machine Learning. Convolutional Neural Networks are currently the main tool used for the image analysis and classification purposes. Although great achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some relevant challenges to tackle. In this paper, we have focused on the most frequently mentioned problem in the field of machine learning, that is relatively poor generalization abilities. Partial remedies for this are regularization techniques e.g. dropout, batch normalization, weight decay, transfer learning, early stopping and data augmentation. In this paper we have focused on data augmentation. We propose to use a method based on a neural style transfer, which allows to generate new unlabeled images of high perceptual quality that combine the content of a base image with the appearance of another one. In a proposed approach, the newly created images are described with pseudo-labels, and then used as a training dataset. Real, labeled images are divided into the validation and test set. We validated proposed method on a challenging skin lesion classification case study. Four representative neural architectures are examined. Obtained results show the strong potential of the proposed approach.

Palash, M. H., Das, P. P., Haque, S..  2019.  Sentimental Style Transfer in Text with Multigenerative Variational Auto-Encoder. 2019 International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing (ICBSLP). :1—4.

Style transfer is an emerging trend in the fields of deep learning's applications, especially in images and audio data this is proven very useful and sometimes the results are astonishing. Gradually styles of textual data are also being changed in many novel works. This paper focuses on the transfer of the sentimental vibe of a sentence. Given a positive clause, the negative version of that clause or sentence is generated keeping the context same. The opposite is also done with negative sentences. Previously this was a very tough job because the go-to techniques for such tasks such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) [1] and Long Short-Term Memories(LSTMs) [2] can't perform well with it. But since newer technologies like Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) and Variational AutoEncoder(VAE) are emerging, this work seem to become more and more possible and effective. In this paper, Multi-Genarative Variational Auto-Encoder is employed to transfer sentiment values. Inspite of working with a small dataset, this model proves to be promising.

Lee, P., Tseng, C..  2019.  On the Layer Choice of the Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW). :1—2.

In this paper, the layer choices of the image style transfer method using the VGG-19 neural network are studied. The VGG-19 network is used to extract the feature maps which have their implicit meaning as a learning basis. If the layers for stylistic learning are not suitably chosen, the quality of style transferred image may not look good. After making experiments, it can be observed that the color information is concentrated on lower layers from conv1-1 to conv2-2, and texture information is concentrated on the middle layers from conv3-1 to conv4-4. As to the higher layers from conv5-1 to conv5-4, they seem to be able to depict image content well. Based on these observations, the methods of color transfer, texture transfer and style transfer are presented and make comparisons with conventional methods.

Friedrich, T., Menzel, S..  2019.  Standardization of Gram Matrix for Improved 3D Neural Style Transfer. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :1375—1382.

Neural Style Transfer based on convolutional neural networks has produced visually appealing results for image and video data in the recent years where e.g. the content of a photo and the style of a painting are merged to a novel piece of digital art. In practical engineering development, we utilize 3D objects as standard for optimizing digital shapes. Since these objects can be represented as binary 3D voxel representation, we propose to extend the Neural Style Transfer method to 3D geometries in analogy to 2D pixel representations. In a series of experiments, we first evaluate traditional Neural Style Transfer on 2D binary monochromatic images. We show that this method produces reasonable results on binary images lacking color information and even improve them by introducing a standardized Gram matrix based loss function for style. For an application of Neural Style Transfer on 3D voxel primitives, we trained several classifier networks demonstrating the importance of a meaningful convolutional network architecture. The standardization of the Gram matrix again strongly contributes to visually improved, less noisy results. We conclude that Neural Style Transfer extended by a standardization of the Gram matrix is a promising approach for generating novel 3D voxelized objects and expect future improvements with increasing graphics memory availability for finer object resolutions.

Hassan, S. U., Khan, M. Zeeshan, Khan, M. U. Ghani, Saleem, S..  2019.  Robust Sound Classification for Surveillance using Time Frequency Audio Features. 2019 International Conference on Communication Technologies (ComTech). :13—18.

Over the years, technology has reformed the perception of the world related to security concerns. To tackle security problems, we proposed a system capable of detecting security alerts. System encompass audio events that occur as an outlier against background of unusual activity. This ambiguous behaviour can be handled by auditory classification. In this paper, we have discussed two techniques of extracting features from sound data including: time-based and signal based features. In first technique, we preserve time-series nature of sound, while in other signal characteristics are focused. Convolution neural network is applied for categorization of sound. Major aim of research is security challenges, so we have generated data related to surveillance in addition to available datasets such as UrbanSound 8k and ESC-50 datasets. We have achieved 94.6% accuracy for proposed methodology based on self-generated dataset. Improved accuracy on locally prepared dataset demonstrates novelty in research.