Underwater networks have the potential to enable unexplored applications and to enhance our ability to observe and predict the ocean. Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are often deployed in unprecedented and hostile waters and face many security threats. Applications based on UASNs such as coastal defense, pollution monitoring, assisted navigation to name a few, require secure communication. A new set of communication protocols and cooperative coordination algorithms have been proposed to enable collaborative monitoring tasks. However, such protocols overlook security as a key performance indicator. Spoofing, altering, or replaying routing information can affect the entire network, making UASN vulnerable to routing attacks such as selective forwarding, sinkhole attack, Sybil attack, acknowledgement spoofing and HELLO flood attack. The lack of security against such threats is startling if maintained that security is indeed an important requirement in many emerging civilian and military applications. In this work, we look at one of the most prevalent attacks among UASNs which is Sybill attack and discuss mitigation approaches for it. Then, feasibly implemented the attack in UnetStack3 to simulate real-life scenario.
The legacy security defense mechanisms cannot resist where emerging sophisticated threats such as zero-day and malware campaigns have profoundly changed the dimensions of cyber-attacks. Recent studies indicate that cyber threat intelligence plays a crucial role in implementing proactive defense operations. It provides a knowledge-sharing platform that not only increases security awareness and readiness but also enables the collaborative defense to diminish the effectiveness of potential attacks. In this paper, we propose a secure distributed model to facilitate cyber threat intelligence sharing among diverse participants. The proposed model uses blockchain technology to assure tamper-proof record-keeping and smart contracts to guarantee immutable logic. We use an open-source permissioned blockchain platform, Hyperledger Fabric, to implement the blockchain application. We also utilize the flexibility and management capabilities of Software-Defined Networking to be integrated with the proposed sharing platform to enhance defense perspectives against threats in the system. In the end, collaborative DDoS attack mitigation is taken as a case study to demonstrate our approach.
Software-Defined Network's (SDN) core working depends on the centralized controller which implements the control plane. With the help of this controller, security threats like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can be identified easily. A DDoS attack is usually instigated on servers by sending a huge amount of unwanted traffic that exhausts its resources, denying their services to genuine users. Earlier research work has been carried out to mitigate DDoS attacks at the switch and the host level. Mitigation at switch level involves identifying the switch which sends a lot of unwanted traffic in the network and blocking it from the network. But this solution is not feasible as it will also block genuine hosts connected to that switch. Later mitigation at the host level was introduced wherein the compromised hosts were identified and blocked thereby allowing genuine hosts to send their traffic in the network. Though this solution is feasible, it will block the traffic from the genuine applications of the compromised host as well. In this paper, we propose a new way to identify and mitigate the DDoS attack at the application level so that only the application generating the DDoS traffic is blocked and other genuine applications are allowed to send traffic in the network normally.
Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) are ionospheric manifestations of internal atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) in the neutral atmosphere driven by near-Earth space dynamics and by lower atmosphere phenomena. They constitute a threat for operational systems such as precise navigation (e.g., EGNOS and NRTK) and high frequency geolocation as they can impose disturbances with amplitudes of up to 20% of the ambient electron density, and Doppler frequency shifts of the order of 0.5 Hz on HF signals. The Horizon 2020 Project TechTIDE ( funded by the European Commission aims at designing and testing new viable TID impact mitigation strategies for the technologies affected by developing a system able to calculate in real-time the main TID characteristics (velocity, amplitude, propagation drection), to realistically specify background ionospheric conditions and to specify those ionospheric characteristics whose perturbation, because of TIDs, cause the impact in each specific technology. The TechTIDE system will contribute new understanding of the physical processes resulting in the formation of TIDs, and will consequently help to identify the drivers in the interplanetary medium, the magnetosphere and the atmosphere. This paper will provide a description of the instrumentation involved and outline the project methodologies for the identification and tracking of TIDs based on the exploitation of real-time observations from networks of Digisonde, GNSS receivers and Continuous Doppler Sounding Systems.
Jeopardy to cybersecurity threats in electronic systems is persistent and growing. Such threats present in hardware, by means such as Trojans and counterfeits, and in software, by means such as viruses and other malware. Against such threats, we propose a range of embedded instruments that are capable of real-time hardware assurance and online monitoring.
The United States and European Union have an increasing number of projects that are engaging end-use devices for improved grid capabilities. Areas such as building-to-grid and vehicle-to-grid are simple examples of these advanced capabilities. In this paper, we present an innovative concept study for a ship-to-grid integration. The goal of this study is to simulate a two-way power flow between ship(s) and the grid with GridLAB-D for the port of Kyllini in Greece, where a ship-to-shore interconnection was recently implemented. Extending this further, we explore: (a) the ability of ships to meet their load demand needs, while at berth, by being supplied with energy from the electric grid and thus powering off their diesel engines; and (b) the ability of ships to provide power to critical loads onshore. As a result, the ship-to-grid integration helps (a) mitigate environmental pollutants from the ships' diesel engines and (b) provide resilience to nearby communities during a power disruption due to natural disasters or man-made threats.
Keeping Internet users safe from attacks and other threats is one of the biggest security challenges nowadays. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) [1] is one of the most common attacks. DDoS makes the system stop working by resource overload. Software Define Networking (SDN) [2] has recently emerged as a new networking technology offering an unprecedented programmability that allows network operators to dynamically configure and manage their infrastructures. The flexible processing and centralized management of SDN controller allow flexibly deploying complex security algorithms and mitigation methods. In this paper, we propose a new TCP-SYN flood attack mitigation in SDN networks using machine learning. By using a testbed, we implement the proposed algorithms, evaluate their accuracy and address the trade-off between the accuracy and capacity of the security device. The results show that the algorithms can mitigate TCP-SYN Flood attack over 96.