Figueira, Nina, Pochmann, Pablo, Oliveira, Abel, de Freitas, Edison Pignaton.
A C4ISR Application on the Swarm Drones Context in a Low Infrastructure Scenario. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1—7.
The military operations in low communications infrastructure scenarios employ flexible solutions to optimize the data processing cycle using situational awareness systems, guaranteeing interoperability and assisting in all processes of decision-making. This paper presents an architecture for the integration of Command, Control, Computing, Communication, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems (C4ISR), developed within the scope of the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, in the context of operations with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) - swarm drones - and the Internet-to-the-battlefield (IoBT) concept. This solution comprises the following intelligent subsystems embedded in UAV: STFANET, an SDN-Based Topology Management for Flying Ad Hoc Network focusing drone swarms operations, developed by University of Rio Grande do Sul; Interoperability of Command and Control (INTERC2), an intelligent communication middleware developed by Brazilian Navy; A Mission-Oriented Sensors Array (MOSA), which provides the automatization of data acquisition, data fusion, and data sharing, developed by Brazilian Army; The In-Flight Awareness Augmentation System (IFA2S), which was developed to increase the safety navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), developed by Brazilian Air Force; Data Mining Techniques to optimize the MOSA with data patterns; and an adaptive-collaborative system, composed of a Software Defined Radio (SDR), to solve the identification of electromagnetic signals and a Geographical Information System (GIS) to organize the information processed. This research proposes, as a main contribution in this conceptual phase, an application that describes the premises for increasing the capacity of sensing threats in the low structured zones, such as the Amazon rainforest, using existing communications solutions of Brazilian defense monitoring systems.
Abdelzaher, Tarek, Bastian, Nathaniel D., Jha, Susmit, Kaplan, Lance, Srivastava, Mani, Veeravalli, Venugopal V..
Context-aware Collaborative Neuro-Symbolic Inference in IoBTs. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1053—1058.
IoBTs must feature collaborative, context-aware, multi-modal fusion for real-time, robust decision-making in adversarial environments. The integration of machine learning (ML) models into IoBTs has been successful at solving these problems at a small scale (e.g., AiTR), but state-of-the-art ML models grow exponentially with increasing temporal and spatial scale of modeled phenomena, and can thus become brittle, untrustworthy, and vulnerable when interpreting large-scale tactical edge data. To address this challenge, we need to develop principles and methodologies for uncertainty-quantified neuro-symbolic ML, where learning and inference exploit symbolic knowledge and reasoning, in addition to, multi-modal and multi-vantage sensor data. The approach features integrated neuro-symbolic inference, where symbolic context is used by deep learning, and deep learning models provide atomic concepts for symbolic reasoning. The incorporation of high-level symbolic reasoning improves data efficiency during training and makes inference more robust, interpretable, and resource-efficient. In this paper, we identify the key challenges in developing context-aware collaborative neuro-symbolic inference in IoBTs and review some recent progress in addressing these gaps.