In this paper we present a framework for Quality of Information (QoI)-aware networking. QoI quantifies how useful a piece of information is for a given query or application. Herein, we present a general QoI model, as well as a specific example instantiation that carries throughout the rest of the paper. In this model, we focus on the tradeoffs between precision and accuracy. As a motivating example, we look at traffic video analysis. We present simple algorithms for deriving various traffic metrics from video, such as vehicle count and average speed. We implement these algorithms both on a desktop workstation and less-capable mobile device. We then show how QoI-awareness enables end devices to make intelligent decisions about how to process queries and form responses, such that huge bandwidth savings are realized.
Quality of service (QoS) has been considered as a significant criterion for querying among functionally similar web services. Most researches focus on the search of QoS under certain data which may not cover some practical scenarios. Recent approaches for uncertain QoS of web service deal with discrete data domain. In this paper, we try to build the search of QoS under continuous probability distribution. We offer the definition of two kinds of queries under uncertain QoS and form the optimization approaches for specific distributions. Based on that, the search is extended to general cases. With experiments, we show the feasibility of the proposed methods.
We propose a new view on data cleaning: Not data itself but the degrees of uncertainty attributed to data are dirty. Applying possibility theory, tuples are assigned degrees of possibility with which they occur, and constraints are assigned degrees of certainty that say to which tuples they apply. Classical data cleaning modifies some minimal set of tuples. Instead, we marginally reduce their degrees of possibility. This reduction leads to a new qualitative version of the vertex cover problem. Qualitative vertex cover can be mapped to a linear-weighted constraint satisfaction problem. However, any off-the-shelf solver cannot solve the problem more efficiently than classical vertex cover. Instead, we utilize the degrees of possibility and certainty to develop a dedicated algorithm that is fixed parameter tractable in the size of the qualitative vertex cover. Experiments show that our algorithm is faster than solvers for the classical vertex cover problem by several orders of magnitude, and performance improves with higher numbers of uncertainty degrees.
An increasing number of applications in all aspects of society rely on data. Despite the long line of research in data cleaning and repairs, data correctness has been an elusive goal. Errors in the data can be extremely disruptive, and are detrimental to the effectiveness and proper function of data-driven applications. Even when data is cleaned, new errors can be introduced by applications and users who interact with the data. Subsequent valid updates can obscure these errors and propagate them through the dataset causing more discrepancies. Any discovered errors tend to be corrected superficially, on a case-by-case basis, further obscuring the true underlying cause, and making detection of the remaining errors harder. In this demo proposal, we outline the design of QFix, a query-centric framework that derives explanations and repairs for discrepancies in relational data based on potential errors in the queries that operated on the data. This is a marked departure from traditional data-centric techniques that directly fix the data. We then describe how users will use QFix in a demonstration scenario. Participants will be able to select from a number of transactional benchmarks, introduce errors into the queries that are executed, and compare the fixes to the queries proposed by QFix as well as existing alternative algorithms such as decision trees.
Sampling multiband radar signals is an essential issue of multiband/multifunction radar. This paper proposes a multiband quadrature compressive sampling (MQCS) system to perform the sampling at sub-Landau rate. The MQCS system randomly projects the multiband signal into a compressive multiband one by modulating each subband signal with a low-pass signal and then samples the compressive multiband signal at Landau-rate with output of compressive measurements. The compressive inphase and quadrature (I/Q) components of each subband are extracted from the compressive measurements respectively and are exploited to recover the baseband I/Q components. As effective bandwidth of the compressive multiband signal is much less than that of the received multiband one, the sampling rate is much less than Landau rate of the received signal. Simulation results validate that the proposed MQCS system can effectively acquire and reconstruct the baseband I/Q components of the multiband signals.
Consider a thin, flexible wire of fixed length that is held at each end by a robotic gripper. Any curve traced by this wire when in static equilibrium is a local solution to a geometric optimal control problem, with boundary conditions that vary with the position and orientation of each gripper. We prove that the set of all local solutions to this problem over all possible boundary conditions is a smooth manifold of finite dimension that can be parameterized by a single chart. We show that this chart makes it easy to implement a sampling-based algorithm for quasi-static manipulation planning. We characterize the performance of such an algorithm with experiments in simulation.
Consider a thin, flexible wire of fixed length that is held at each end by a robotic gripper. Any curve traced by this wire when in static equilibrium is a local solution to a geometric optimal control problem, with boundary conditions that vary with the position and orientation of each gripper. We prove that the set of all local solutions to this problem over all possible boundary conditions is a smooth manifold of finite dimension that can be parameterized by a single chart. We show that this chart makes it easy to implement a sampling-based algorithm for quasi-static manipulation planning. We characterize the performance of such an algorithm with experiments in simulation.
Published in The International Journal of Robotics Research
Resilience in the information sciences is notoriously difficult to define much less to measure. But in mechanical engineering, the resilience of a substance is mathematically well-defined as an area under the stress-strain curve. We combined inspiration from mechanics of materials and axioms from queuing theory in an attempt to define resilience precisely for information systems. We first examine the meaning of resilience in linguistic and engineering terms and then translate these definitions to information sciences. As a general assessment of our approach's fitness, we quantify how resilience may be measured in a simple queuing system. By using a very simple model we allow clear application of established theory while being flexible enough to apply to many other engineering contexts in information science and cyber security. We tested our definitions of resilience via simulation and analysis of networked queuing systems. We conclude with a discussion of the results and make recommendations for future work.
Quasi-steady-state (QSS) large-signal models are often taken for granted in the analysis and design of DC-DC switching converters, particularly for varying operating conditions. In this study, the premise for the QSS is justified quantitatively for the first time. Based on the QSS, the DC-DC switching converter under varying operating conditions is reduced to the linear time varying systems model. Thereafter, the QSS concept is applied to analysis of frequency-domain properties of the DC-DC switching converters by using three-dimensional Bode plots, which is then utilised to the optimisation of the controller parameters for wide variations of input voltage and load resistance. An experimental prototype of an average-current-mode-controlled boost DC-DC converter is built to verify the analysis and design by both frequency-domain and time-domain measurements.