Visible to the public Quasi-steady-state large-signal modelling of DC #8211;DC switching converter: justification and application for varying operating conditions

TitleQuasi-steady-state large-signal modelling of DC #8211;DC switching converter: justification and application for varying operating conditions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsLuowei Zhou, Sucheng Liu, Weiguo Lu, Shuchang Hu
JournalPower Electronics, IET
Keywords3D Bode plots, Bode diagrams, controller parameter optimisation, current mode controlled boost DC-DC converter, DC-DC power convertors, DC-DC switching converter, electric current control, electric resistance, frequency-domain measurement, Linear systems, linear time varying systems model, load resistance variation, operating conditions variation, optimisation, QSS, quasi steady-state large signal modelling, switching convertors, time-domain measurement, Time-frequency Analysis, time-varying systems

Quasi-steady-state (QSS) large-signal models are often taken for granted in the analysis and design of DC-DC switching converters, particularly for varying operating conditions. In this study, the premise for the QSS is justified quantitatively for the first time. Based on the QSS, the DC-DC switching converter under varying operating conditions is reduced to the linear time varying systems model. Thereafter, the QSS concept is applied to analysis of frequency-domain properties of the DC-DC switching converters by using three-dimensional Bode plots, which is then utilised to the optimisation of the controller parameters for wide variations of input voltage and load resistance. An experimental prototype of an average-current-mode-controlled boost DC-DC converter is built to verify the analysis and design by both frequency-domain and time-domain measurements.

Citation Key6919980