Visible to the public Robust IoT communication physical layer concept with improved physical unclonable function

TitleRobust IoT communication physical layer concept with improved physical unclonable function
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMoghadas, S. H., Fischer, G.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number 978-1-5386-0524-0
KeywordsAging, Asia, Bandwidth, client-to-cloud communication physical layer, cloud computing, cloud-interfacing point, CMOS, CMOS technology, composability, computer network security, Conferences, generated PUF word, Hardware, hardware concepts, improved physical unclonable function, Internet of Things, IoT concept, IoT-cloud-based communication, Metrics, Microelectronics Security, physical unclonable function, pubcrawl, PUF, PUF-interfacing communication physical layer hardware, random identification hardware, reliability problems, resilience, Resiliency, Ring Oscillator, robust IoT communication physical layer, robust IoT communication physical layer concept, robust monitoring concepts, Robustness, size 65.0 nm, Spectral analysis, suitable physics, Tuning

Reliability and robustness of Internet of Things (IoT)-cloud-based communication is an important issue for prospective development of the IoT concept. In this regard, a robust and unique client-to-cloud communication physical layer is required. Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is regarded as a suitable physics-based random identification hardware, but suffers from reliability problems. In this paper, we propose novel hardware concepts and furthermore an analysis method in CMOS technology to improve the hardware-based robustness of the generated PUF word from its first point of generation to the last cloud-interfacing point in a client. Moreover, we present a spectral analysis for an inexpensive high-yield implementation in a 65nm generation. We also offer robust monitoring concepts for the PUF-interfacing communication physical layer hardware.

Citation Keymoghadas_robust_2017