Visible to the public A New Initial Authentication Scheme for Kerberos 5 Based on Biometric Data and Virtual Password

TitleA New Initial Authentication Scheme for Kerberos 5 Based on Biometric Data and Virtual Password
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsF, A. K., Mhaibes, H. Imad
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsauthentication, authentication protocol, Bioinformatics, biometric data, biometrics (access control), cryptographic protocols, cryptography, data privacy, Fingerprint recognition, Human Behavior, initial authentication scheme, Kerberos, Metrics, password, password-based scheme, password-guessing attack, Protocols, pubcrawl, Resiliency, secure session, Servers, strong authentication scenario, Symmetric cryptocraphy, Three Party Protocol, virtual password

Kerberos is a third party and widely used authentication protocol, in which it enables computers to connect securely using a single sign-on over an insecure channel. It proves the identity of clients and encrypts all the communications between them to ensure data privacy and integrity. Typically, Kerberos composes of three communication phases to establish a secure session between any two clients. The authentication is based on a password-based scheme, in which it is a secret long-term key shared between the client and the Kerberos. Therefore, Kerberos suffers from a password-guessing attack, the main drawback of Kerberos. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by modifying the first initial phase using the virtual password and biometric data. In addition, the proposed protocol provides a strong authentication scenario against multiple types of attacks.

Citation Keyf_new_2018