Visible to the public WristUnlock: Secure and Usable Smartphone Unlocking with Wrist Wearables

TitleWristUnlock: Secure and Usable Smartphone Unlocking with Wrist Wearables
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZhang, Lili, Han, Dianqi, Li, Ang, Li, Tao, Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Yanchao
Conference Name2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)
KeywordsBluetooth, Bluetooth connection, Human Behavior, privacy, pubcrawl, random number, Resiliency, Scalability, secure smartphone, security, security of data, smart phones, Smartphone Authentication, touch sensitive screens, touch-based physical channel, usability, usability features, usable smartphone, wearable computers, wearables security, wrist wearable, WristRaise mode, WristUnlock
AbstractWe propose WristUnlock, a novel technique that uses a wrist wearable to unlock a smartphone in a secure and usable fashion. WristUnlock explores both the physical proximity and secure Bluetooth connection between the smartphone and wrist wearable. There are two modes in WristUnlock with different security and usability features. In the WristRaise mode, the user raises his smartphone in his natural way with the same arm carrying the wrist wearable; the smartphone gets unlocked if the acceleration data on the smartphone and wrist wearable satisfy an anticipated relationship specific to the user himself. In the WristTouch mode, the wrist wearable sends a random number to the smartphone through both the Bluetooth channel and a touch-based physical channel; the smartphone gets unlocked if the numbers received from both channels are equal. We thoroughly analyze the security of WristUnlock and confirm its high efficacy through detailed experiments.
Citation Keyzhang_wristunlock_2019