Visible to the public A Role for Embedded Instrumentation in Real-Time Hardware Assurance and Online Monitoring against Cybersecurity Threats

TitleA Role for Embedded Instrumentation in Real-Time Hardware Assurance and Online Monitoring against Cybersecurity Threats
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsCrouch, Alfred L, Ley, Adam W
Conference Name2019 IEEE AUTOTESTCON
Date Publishedaug
ISBN Number978-1-7281-2832-0
Keywordscounterfeits, cybersecurity threats, electronic systems, embedded instrumentation, hardware assurance (HWA), Human Behavior, human factors, invasive software, Metrics, online monitoring, pubcrawl, real-time hardware assurance, resilience, Resiliency, threat mitigation, trojan, Trojan detection, Trojan mitigation

Jeopardy to cybersecurity threats in electronic systems is persistent and growing. Such threats present in hardware, by means such as Trojans and counterfeits, and in software, by means such as viruses and other malware. Against such threats, we propose a range of embedded instruments that are capable of real-time hardware assurance and online monitoring.

Citation Keycrouch_role_2019