Visible to the public Automatic PTZ Camera Control Based on Deep-Q Network in Video Surveillance System

TitleAutomatic PTZ Camera Control Based on Deep-Q Network in Video Surveillance System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKim, Dongchil, Kim, Kyoungman, Park, Sungjoo
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC)
Keywordsautomatic PTZ camera control method, Cameras, deep-Q network, DQN, Human Behavior, image motion analysis, image sensors, Mathematical model, Metrics, object detection, pan-tilt-zoom camera, PTZ camera, PTZ camera control values, pubcrawl, reinforcement learning, Resiliency, Streaming media, surveillance area, Training, video analysis system, video cameras, video signal processing, video surveillance, video surveillance system
AbstractRecently, Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) camera has been widely used in video surveillance systems. However, it is difficult to automatically control PTZ cameras according to moving objects in the surveillance area. This paper proposes an automatic camera control method based on a Deep-Q Network (DQN) for improving the recognition accuracy of anomaly actions in the video surveillance system. To generate PTZ camera control values, the proposed method uses the position and size information of the object which received from the video analysis system. Through implementation results, the proposed method can automatically control the PTZ camera according to moving objects.
Citation Keykim_automatic_2019