Welcome to the NSF CPS Challenge -- Mars edition 
Sun, 05/17/2020 - 3:07pm
Hello friends,
I am excited to see you all working on the qualification round task. I will do a webinar tomorrow at 9a MST (AZ) where I will walk everyone through the goals for Phase I and Phase II, and share tips and tricks to make the most of the OpenUAV resources, and the virtual competition.
Welcome webinar details are below.
Time: Monday May 18, 9:00AM MST (AZ)
Hoping to see you there!
Wed, 05/20/2020 - 7:13am
regarding yaw of the drone
Can we assume that the yaw remains constant throughout the simulation?
Thanks to those of you who joined. For those who missed, here is the slidedeck, and the Zoom recording. I will be happy to answer any questions.
Zoom recording.
Password: 5K*I&qnd
Presentation slides from the webinar earlier, https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17rQtquj2pVlwBATmQccvFnqw4mWx5EAnSpOoh39zl2c/edit?usp=sharing