Visible to the public Modified AES using Dynamic S-Box and DNA Cryptography

TitleModified AES using Dynamic S-Box and DNA Cryptography
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBhavani, Y., Puppala, Sai Srikar, Krishna, B.Jaya, Madarapu, Srija
Conference Name2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC)
Keywordsadvanced encryption standard, AES, AES key generation, asymmetric algorithms, attack resistant algorithm, Conferences, cryptography, data exchange, Diffie-Hellman, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, DNA, DNA cryptography, dynamic S-box, dynamic S-boxes, Encryption, fast processing, Heuristic algorithms, Human Behavior, modified AES, Predictive Metrics, privacy, pubcrawl, Resiliency, secret number generation, secured algorithms, Standards, symmetric algorithms, technological transformations
AbstractToday the frequency of technological transformations is very high. In order to cope up with these, there is a demand for fast processing and secured algorithms should be proposed for data exchange. In this paper, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is modified using DNA cryptography for fast processing and dynamic S-boxes are introduced to develop an attack resistant algorithm. This is strengthened by combining symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Diffie-Hellman key exchange is used for AES key generation and also for secret number generation used for creation of dynamic S-boxes. The proposed algorithm is fast in computation and can resist cryptographic attacks like linear and differential cryptanalysis attacks.
Citation Keybhavani_modified_2019