Visible to the public Weighted Based Trustworthiness Ranking in Social Internet of Things by using Soft Set Theory

TitleWeighted Based Trustworthiness Ranking in Social Internet of Things by using Soft Set Theory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRehman, Ateeq Ur, Jiang, Aimin, Rehman, Abdul, Paul, Anand
Conference Name2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC)
Keywordsbitcoin, composability, compositionality, Computer Theory and Trust, Computing Theory, decision making, fuzzy set theory, interdisciplinary research area, Internet of Things, Measurement, pubcrawl, security of data, set theory, SIoT, social Internet of Things, Social network services, social networking (online), social relationship, soft set theory, soft-set theory, Trust, trust decision making, Trusted Computing, trusted nodes, trustworthy node, trustworthy relationships, weighted based trustworthiness ranking model, Wireless sensor networks

Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolving research area for the last two decades. The integration of the IoT and social networking concept results in developing an interdisciplinary research area called the Social Internet of Things (SIoT). The SIoT is dominant over the traditional IoT because of its structure, implementation, and operational manageability. In the SIoT, devices interact with each other independently to establish a social relationship for collective goals. To establish trustworthy relationships among the devices significantly improves the interaction in the SIoT and mitigates the phenomenon of risk. The problem is to choose a trustworthy node who is most suitable according to the choice parameters of the node. The best-selected node by one node is not necessarily the most suitable node for other nodes, as the trustworthiness of the node is independent for everyone. We employ some theoretical characterization of the soft-set theory to deal with this kind of decision-making problem. In this paper, we developed a weighted based trustworthiness ranking model by using soft set theory to evaluate the trustworthiness in the SIoT. The purpose of the proposed research is to reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions by identifying the most trusted nodes.

Citation Keyrehman_weighted_2019