Visible to the public Chronos: Secure and Accurate Time-Stamping Scheme for Digital Files via Blockchain

TitleChronos: Secure and Accurate Time-Stamping Scheme for Digital Files via Blockchain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZhang, Yuan, Xu, Chunxiang, Li, Hongwei, Yang, Haomiao, Shen, Xuemin
Conference NameICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
Date PublishedMay 2019
ISBN Number978-1-5386-8088-9
Keywordsbitcoin, blockchain, blockchain-based storage, blockchain-based time-stamping scheme, chain quality, Chronos, cloud computing, composability, cryptography, digital files, digital investigations, earliest creation time, file protection, industrial property, intellectual property security, intellectual property systems, patentable ideas, patents, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Resistance, secure time-stamping schemes, Servers, time interval

It is common to certify when a file was created in digital investigations, e.g., determining first inventors for patentable ideas in intellectual property systems to resolve disputes. Secure time-stamping schemes can be derived from blockchain-based storage to protect files from backdating/forward-dating, where a file is integrated into a transaction on a blockchain and the timestamp of the corresponding block reflects the latest time the file was created. Nevertheless, blocks' timestamps in blockchains suffer from time errors, which causes the inaccuracy of files' timestamps. In this paper, we propose an accurate blockchain-based time-stamping scheme called Chronos. In Chronos, when a file is created, the file and a sufficient number of successive blocks that are latest confirmed on blockchain are integrated into a transaction. Due to chain quality, it is computationally infeasible to pre-compute these blocks. The time when the last block was chained to the blockchain serves as the earliest creation time of the file. The time when the block including the transaction was chained indicates the latest creation time of the file. Therefore, Chronos makes the file's creation time corresponding to this time interval. Based on chain growth, Chronos derives the time when these two blocks were chained from their heights on the blockchain, which ensures the accuracy of the file's timestamp. The security and performance of Chronos are demonstrated by a comprehensive evaluation.

Citation Keyzhang_chronos_2019