Visible to the public Improving Efficiency of Pseudonym Revocation in VANET Using Cuckoo Filter

TitleImproving Efficiency of Pseudonym Revocation in VANET Using Cuckoo Filter
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsZhang, H., Zhang, D., Chen, H., Xu, J.
Conference Name2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT)
Date Publishedoct
KeywordsCompression, CRLs, data deletion, Data models, data structures, filtering algorithms, Fingerprint recognition, Information filters, privacy, pseudonyms, pubcrawl, Scalability, Standards, VANETs, vehicular ad hoc networks
AbstractIn VANETs, pseudonyms are often used to replace the identity of vehicles in communication. When vehicles drive out of the network or misbehave, their pseudonym certificates need to be revoked by the certificate authority (CA). The certificate revocation lists (CRLs) are usually used to store the revoked certificates before their expiration. However, using CRLs would incur additional storage, communication and computation overhead. Some existing schemes have proposed to use Bloom Filter to compress the original CRLs, but they are unable to delete the expired certificates and introduce the false positive problem. In this paper, we propose an improved pseudonym certificates revocation scheme, using Cuckoo Filter for compression to reduce the impact of these problems. In order to optimize deletion efficiency, we propose the concept of Certificate Expiration List (CEL) which can be implemented with priority queue. The experimental results show that our scheme can effectively reduce the storage and communication overhead of pseudonym certificates revocation, while retaining moderately low false positive rates. In addition, our scheme can also greatly improve the lookup performance on CRLs, and reduce the revocation operation costs by allowing deletion.
Citation Keyzhang_improving_2020