Visible to the public When Would You Trust a Robot? A Study on Trust and Theory of Mind in Human-Robot Interactions

TitleWhen Would You Trust a Robot? A Study on Trust and Theory of Mind in Human-Robot Interactions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMou, W., Ruocco, M., Zanatto, D., Cangelosi, A.
Conference Name2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)
Date PublishedSept. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6075-7
Keywordscontrol engineering computing, game theory, HRI, Human Behavior, human desire, human factors, human-robot interaction, human-robot interactions, humanoid robot, Humanoid robots, nonhuman agent, price game, psychology, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Robot Trust, Theory of Mind, ToM

Trust is a critical issue in human-robot interactions (HRI) as it is the core of human desire to accept and use a non-human agent. Theory of Mind (ToM) has been defined as the ability to understand the beliefs and intentions of others that may differ from one's own. Evidences in psychology and HRI suggest that trust and ToM are interconnected and interdependent concepts, as the decision to trust another agent must depend on our own representation of this entity's actions, beliefs and intentions. However, very few works take ToM of the robot into consideration while studying trust in HRI. In this paper, we investigated whether the exposure to the ToM abilities of a robot could affect humans' trust towards the robot. To this end, participants played a Price Game with a humanoid robot (Pepper) that was presented having either low-level ToM or high-level ToM. Specifically, the participants were asked to accept the price evaluations on common objects presented by the robot. The willingness of the participants to change their own price judgement of the objects (i.e., accept the price the robot suggested) was used as the main measurement of the trust towards the robot. Our experimental results showed that robots possessing a high-level of ToM abilities were trusted more than the robots presented with low-level ToM skills.

Citation Keymou_when_2020