Visible to the public A Comparative Survey on Blockchain Based Self Sovereign Identity System

TitleA Comparative Survey on Blockchain Based Self Sovereign Identity System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsKaneriya, J., Patel, H.
Conference Name2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS)
Date PublishedDec. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-7089-3
Keywordsblockchain, cryptography, Honey Pot, honey pots, Human Behavior, human factors, Identity management, Internet, Medical services, privacy, pubcrawl, Public key, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, self sovereign identity, smart contracts

The Internet has changed business, education, healthcare, banking etc. and it is the main part of technological evolution. Internet provides us a connecting world to perform our day to day life activities easily. Internet is designed in such a way that it can uniquely identify machine, not a person, on the network hence there is need to design a system that can perform entity identification on the Internet. Currently on Internet, service providers provide identity of a user with user name and password and store this information on a centralized server. These servers become honey pot for hackers to steal user's personal identity information and service provider can utilize user identity information using data mining, artificial intelligence for economic benefits. Aim of Self sovereign identity system is to provide decentralized, user centric identity system which is controlled by identity owner that can be developed along with distributed ledger technology i.e. blockchain. In this paper, we intend to make an exhaustive study on different blockchain based self sovereign identity implementations (such as Sovrin, Uport, EverID, LifeID, Sora, SelfKey) along with its architectural components and discuss about use case of self sovereign identity.

Citation Keykaneriya_comparative_2020