Visible to the public Relating Factors of Tertiary Institution Students’ Cybersecurity Behavior

TitleRelating Factors of Tertiary Institution Students’ Cybersecurity Behavior
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsFaith, B. Fatokun, Hamid, S., Norman, A., Johnson, O. Fatokun, Eke, C. I.
Conference Name2020 International Conference in Mathematics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science (ICMCECS)
Date PublishedMarch 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-3126-9
Keywordscomputer skills, Correlation analysis, cues to action, cybersecurity, cybersecurity behavioral factors, cybersecurity behaviors, cybersecurity behaviors of tertiary institution students, cybersecurity issues, cybersecurity training, further education, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet, Internet exposure, Internet skills, peer behavior, perceived barriers, perceived benefits, perceived severity, perceived vulnerability, pubcrawl, response efficacy, security, security of data, security self-efficacy, SPSS version 25, tertiary institution students, tertiary institutions students, validated cybersecurity factors

Humans are majorly identified as the weakest link in cybersecurity. Tertiary institution students undergo lot of cybersecurity issues due to their constant Internet exposure, however there is a lack in literature with regards to tertiary institution students' cybersecurity behaviors. This research aimed at linking the factors responsible for tertiary institutions students' cybersecurity behavior, via validated cybersecurity factors, Perceived Vulnerability (PV); Perceived Barriers (PBr); Perceived Severity (PS); Security Self-Efficacy (SSE); Response Efficacy (RE); Cues to Action (CA); Peer Behavior (PBhv); Computer Skills (CS); Internet Skills (IS); Prior Experience with Computer Security Practices (PE); Perceived Benefits (PBnf); Familiarity with Cyber-Threats (FCT), thus exploring the relationship between the factors and the students' Cybersecurity Behaviors (CSB). A cross-sectional online survey was used to gather data from 450 undergraduate and postgraduate students from tertiary institutions within Klang Valley, Malaysia. Correlation Analysis was used to find the relationships existing among the cybersecurity behavioral factors via SPSS version 25. Results indicate that all factors were significantly related to the cybersecurity behaviors of the students apart from Perceived Severity. Practically, the study instigates the need for more cybersecurity training and practices in the tertiary institutions.

Citation Keyfaith_relating_2020