Visible to the public Universal Hashing for Information-Theoretic Security

TitleUniversal Hashing for Information-Theoretic Security
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsTyagi, H., Vardy, A.
JournalProceedings of the IEEE
Date Publishedoct
Keywords2-universal hash family, Communication channels, Communication system security, cryptography, encoding, Human Behavior, information coding, information theoretic security, Information theory, information-theoretic security, Metrics, modular coding schemes, Noise measurement, Physical layer, policy-based governance, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, Random variables, Receivers, Resiliency, Scalability, secret key agreement, security, telecommunication services, wiretap codes, wiretap coding
AbstractThe information-theoretic approach to security entails harnessing the correlated randomness available in nature to establish security. It uses tools from information theory and coding and yields provable security, even against an adversary with unbounded computational power. However, the feasibility of this approach in practice depends on the development of efficiently implementable schemes. In this paper, we review a special class of practical schemes for information-theoretic security that are based on 2-universal hash families. Specific cases of secret key agreement and wiretap coding are considered, and general themes are identified. The scheme presented for wiretap coding is modular and can be implemented easily by including an extra preprocessing layer over the existing transmission codes.
Citation Keytyagi_universal_2015