Visible to the public Fuzzy Ant Bee Colony For Security And Resource Optimization In Cloud Computing

TitleFuzzy Ant Bee Colony For Security And Resource Optimization In Cloud Computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSamriya, Jitendra Kumar, Kumar, Narander
Conference Name2020 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS)
Date PublishedOct. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9180-5
Keywordscloud computing, FUZZY ABC, Optimal scheduling, Processor scheduling, pubcrawl, QoS., quality of service, Scalability, Scalable Security, scheduling, security, Task Analysis

Cloud computing (CC) systems prevail to be the widespread computational paradigms for offering immense scalable and elastic services. Computing resources in cloud environment should be scheduled to facilitate the providers to utilize the resources moreover the users could get low cost applications. The most prominent need in job scheduling is to ensure Quality of service (QoS) to the user. In the boundary of the third party the scheduling takes place hence it is a significant condition for assuring its security. The main objective of our work is to offer QoS i.e. cost, makespan, minimized migration of task with security enforcement moreover the proposed algorithm guarantees that the admitted requests are executed without violating service level agreement (SLA). These objectives are attained by the proposed Fuzzy Ant Bee Colony algorithm. The experimental outcome confirms that secured job scheduling objective with assured QoS is attained by the proposed algorithm.

Citation Keysamriya_fuzzy_2020