Visible to the public Distributed Denial of Service Attack Mitigation Using High Availability Proxy and Network Load Balancing

TitleDistributed Denial of Service Attack Mitigation Using High Availability Proxy and Network Load Balancing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsZebari, Rizgar R., Zeebaree, Subhi R. M., Sallow, Amira Bibo, Shukur, Hanan M., Ahmad, Omar M., Jacksi, Karwan
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE)
Date PublishedDec. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-6654-1579-8
Keywordscomposability, cybersecurity, DDoS, DDoS attack mitigation, DDOS attacks detection, ddos mitigation, denial-of-service attack, HAProxy, Human Behavior, Internet, Internet security, Linux, Load management, Metrics, pubcrawl, quality of service, resilience, Resiliency, threat mitigation, Time measurement, Web servers
AbstractNowadays, cybersecurity threat is a big challenge to all organizations that present their services over the Internet. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is the most effective and used attack and seriously affects the quality of service of each E-organization. Hence, mitigation this type of attack is considered a persistent need. In this paper, we used Network Load Balancing (NLB) and High Availability Proxy (HAProxy) as mitigation techniques. The NLB is used in the Windows platform and HAProxy in the Linux platform. Moreover, Internet Information Service (IIS) 10.0 is implemented on Windows server 2016 and Apache 2 on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 as web servers. We evaluated each load balancer efficiency in mitigating synchronize (SYN) DDoS attack on each platform separately. The evaluation process is accomplished in a real network and average response time and average CPU are utilized as metrics. The results illustrated that the NLB in the Windows platform achieved better performance in mitigation SYN DDOS compared to HAProxy in the Linux platform. Whereas, the average response time of the Window webservers is reduced with NLB. However, the impact of the SYN DDoS on the average CPU usage of the IIS 10.0 webservers was more than those of the Apache 2 webservers.
Citation Keyzebari_distributed_2020