Visible to the public On Providing Information Security for Decentralized Databases

TitleOn Providing Information Security for Decentralized Databases
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsLovetsky, I.V., Bukvina, E.A., Ponomarchuk, Y.V.
Conference Name2020 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon)
KeywordsAccess Control, blockchain, composability, consensus for accepting changes, Data models, database, decentralized storage, graph-oriented model, Information security, Information systems, Metrics, object oriented security, Object recognition, Permission, pubcrawl, Public key, Resiliency, role-based access control method
AbstractThe paper discusses a prototype of a database, which can be used for operation in a decentralized mode for an information system. In this project, the focus is on creation of a data structure model that provides flexibility of business processes. The research is based on the development of a model for decentralized access rights distribution by including users in groups where they are assigned similar roles using consensus of other group members. This paper summarizes the main technologies that were used to ensure information security of the decentralized storage, the mechanisms for fixing access rights to an object access (the minimum entity of the system), describes a process of the data access control at the role level and an algorithm for managing the consensus for applying changes.
Citation Keylovetsky_providing_2020