Visible to the public Digital data provenance for the power grid based on a Keyless Infrastructure Security Solution

TitleDigital data provenance for the power grid based on a Keyless Infrastructure Security Solution
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsSebastian-Cardenas, D., Gourisetti, S., Mylrea, M., Moralez, A., Day, G., Tatireddy, V., Allwardt, C., Singh, R., Bishop, R., Kaur, K., Plummer, J., Raymond, G., Johnson, B., Chawla, A.
Conference Name2021 Resilience Week (RWS)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsblockchain, composability, cybersecurity, data provenance, data-at-rest, data-in-transit, Distributed databases, DLT, Fingerprint recognition, historians, Human Behavior, ICs, Keyless security, Metrics, Object recognition, power grids, Provenance, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, Resiliency, SCADA systems, Software
AbstractIn this work a data provenance system for grid-oriented applications is presented. The proposed Keyless Infrastructure Security Solution (KISS) provides mechanisms to store and maintain digital data fingerprints that can later be used to validate and assert data provenance using a time-based, hash tree mechanism. The developed solution has been designed to satisfy the stringent requirements of the modern power grid including execution time and storage necessities. Its applicability has been tested using a lab-scale, proof-of-concept deployment that secures an energy management system against the attack sequence observed on the 2016 Ukrainian power grid cyberattack. The results demonstrate a strong potential for enabling data provenance in a wide array of applications, including speed-sensitive applications such as those found in control room environments.
Citation Keysebastian-cardenas_digital_2021