Visible to the public Verification Code Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network

TitleVerification Code Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsTian, Qian, Song, Qishun, Wang, Hongbo, Hu, Zhihong, Zhu, Siyu
Conference Name2021 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC)
Keywordscoding theory, Complexity theory, convolutional neural network, convolutional neural networks, image preprocessing, image recognition, Information management, Interference, Internet, internet-technology, Metrics, Network security, Neural Network Security, Neurons, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, verification code recognition

Verification code recognition system based on convolutional neural network. In order to strengthen the network security defense work, this paper proposes a novel verification code recognition system based on convolutional neural network. The system combines Internet technology and big data technology, combined with advanced captcha technology, can prevent hackers from brute force cracking behavior to a certain extent. In addition, the system combines convolutional neural network, which makes the verification code combine numbers and letters, which improves the complexity of the verification code and the security of the user account. Based on this, the system uses threshold segmentation method and projection positioning method to construct an 8-layer convolutional neural network model, which enhances the security of the verification code input link. The research results show that the system can enhance the complexity of captcha, improve the recognition rate of captcha, and improve the security of user accounting.

Citation Keytian_verification_2021