Visible to the public Continuous natural language processing pipeline strategy

TitleContinuous natural language processing pipeline strategy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsPölöskei, István
Conference Name2021 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI)
Date PublishedMay 2021
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9544-5
KeywordsBig Data, Data, Data models, Deep Learning, Human Behavior, machine learning, machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, NLP, pipeline, Pipelines, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Training
AbstractNatural language processing (NLP) is a division of artificial intelligence. The constructed model's quality is entirely reliant on the training dataset's quality. A data streaming pipeline is an adhesive application, completing a managed connection from data sources to machine learning methods. The recommended NLP pipeline composition has well-defined procedures. The implemented message broker design is a usual apparatus for delivering events. It makes it achievable to construct a robust training dataset for machine learning use-case and serve the model's input. The reconstructed dataset is a valid input for the machine learning processes. Based on the data pipeline's product, the model recreation and redeployment can be scheduled automatically.
Citation Keypoloskei_continuous_2021