Visible to the public Bridging the Gap: Adapting a Security Education Platform to a New Audience

TitleBridging the Gap: Adapting a Security Education Platform to a New Audience
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMennecozzi, Gian Marco, Hageman, Kaspar, Panum, Thomas Kobber, Türkmen, Ahmet, Mahmoud, Rasmi-Vlad, Pedersen, Jens Myrup
Conference Name2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Keywordsactive learning, capture the flag, Collaboration, composability, Computer crime, Conferences, Current supplies, cyber security teaching, cybersecurity education, engineering education, Human Behavior, Metrics, policy governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, Training
AbstractThe current supply of a highly specialized cyber security professionals cannot meet the demands for societies seeking digitization. To close the skill gap, there is a need for introducing students in higher education to cyber security, and to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills. This paper presents how the cyber security training platform Haaukins, initially developed to increase interest and knowledge of cyber security among high school students, was further developed to support the need for training in higher education. Based on the differences between the existing and new target audiences, a set of design principles were derived which shaped the technical adjustments required to provide a suitable platform - mainly related to dynamic tooling, centralized access to exercises, and scalability of the platform to support courses running over longer periods of time. The implementation of these adjustments has led to a series of teaching sessions in various institutions of higher education, demonstrating the viability for Haaukins for the new target audience.
Citation Keymennecozzi_bridging_2021