Visible to the public Comparative study for Stylometric analysis techniques for authorship attribution

TitleComparative study for Stylometric analysis techniques for authorship attribution
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsRaafat, Maryam A., El-Wakil, Rania Abdel-Fattah, Atia, Ayman
Conference Name2021 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC)
Keywordsauthorship attribution, Constituent Analysis., Data preprocessing, Deep Learning, Human Behavior, machine learning, Measurement, Metrics, NLP, pubcrawl, stylometry, Support vector machines, Syntactics, text categorization, text classification, ubiquitous computing
AbstractA text is a meaningful source of information. Capturing the right patterns in written text gives metrics to measure and infer to what extent this text belongs or is relevant to a specific author. This research aims to introduce a new feature that goes more in deep in the language structure. The feature introduced is based on an attempt to differentiate stylistic changes among authors according to the different sentence structure each author uses. The study showed the effect of introducing this new feature to machine learning models to enhance their performance. It was found that the prediction of authors was enhanced by adding sentence structure as an additional feature as the f1\_scores increased by 0.3% and when normalizing the data and adding the feature it increased by 5%.
Citation Keyraafat_comparative_2021