Designing-in Cyber Security - Darren Cofer
Darren Cofer is a Principal Systems Engineer with Rockwell Collinsi Advanced Technology Center. He received the Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. His principal area of expertise is applying formal methods and tools to the verification and certification of high-integrity avionics systems. He is the principal investigator for the air vehicle team in DARPA's High Assurance Cyber Military Systems project, focusing on formal proof of security properties for unmanned air vehicles. He also served on the RTCA committee which developed new certification guidance for airborne software (DO-178C) including its Formal Methods Supplement (DO-333).
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- Aerospace
- Secure Control Systems
- Automotive
- Architectures
- CPS Domains
- Architectures
- Avionics
- Model Integration
- Embedded Software
- Defense
- Platforms
- Control
- Systems Engineering
- Modeling
- Wireless Sensing and Actuation
- Science of Security
- Transportation
- Validation and Verification
- CPS Technologies
- Foundations
- National CPS PI Meeting 2013
- 2013
- Session 8: CPS Security Panel
- Academia
- Presentation