TITLE (with link to poster & abstract) |
Aaron Ames (Texas A&M) |
Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic Systems |
1239055 |
Aaron Stump (Iowa) |
StarExec: A Cluster-Backed Web Service for Evaluating Logic Solvers |
Aaron Stump |
1058748 |
Alex Kirlik (South Carolina) |
Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human Systems |
Xiaofeng Wang |
1329870 \ 1330077 |
Alper Bozkurt (NCSU) |
Cyborg Insect Networks for Exploration and Mapping (CINEMa) |
Alper Bozkurt |
1239243, 1239212 |
Andre Platzer (CMU) |
Distributed Hybrid Systems - Compositionality and Reconfiguration for Distributed Hybrid Systems |
Jan-David Quesel |
0931985 |
Anil Pahwa (KSU) |
Holonic Multi-Agent Control of Intelligent Power Distribution Systems |
Anil Pahwa |
1136040 |
Anuradha Annaswamy (MIT) |
Co-Design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
1135815, 1135630 |
Aranya Chakrabortty (NCSU) |
Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms & Software Systems For Wide-Area Monitoring of Power Systems |
Aranya Chakrabortty |
1329780, 1329681 |
Ashish Deshpande (Rice) |
Design & Development of a Cybernetic Rehabilitative Hand-Wrist Exoskeleton |
Marcia O'Malley |
1135916 |
Babak Hassibi (CalTech) |
Epidemic Spread in Networks |
Babak Hassibi |
0932428 |
Baoxin Li (ASU) |
GoingEasy(r) with Crowdsourcing - Building Cyber-Physical Systems for People with Visual Impairment |
Baoxin Li |
1135616 |
Benjamin Kuipers (Michigan) |
Learning to Sense Robustly and Act Effectively |
Benjamin Kuipers |
0931474 |
Brian Hulbert (Air Force Research Labs // LinQuest) |
Trust and Certification of Autonomous Systems |
Brian Hulbert |
N/A |
Bruce Krogh (CMU) |
An Architectural Approach to
Heterogeneous Modeling and Verification of CPS |
Ivan Ruchkin |
1035800 |
Bruno Sinopoli (CMU) |
Event-Based Information Acquisition, Learning, and Control in High-Dimensional Cyber-Physical Systems |
Bruno Sinopoli |
1329936, 1329819 |
Chenyang Lu (WUSTL) |
Cyber-Physical Co-Design of Wireless Monitoring and Control for Civil Infrastructure |
Chenyang Lu |
1035773 |
Chris Gill (WUSTL) and Arun Prakash (Purdue) |
CPS Medium: Collaborative Research: CyberMech, a Novel Run-time Substrate for Cyber-Mechanical Systems |
Chris Gill & Arun Prakash |
1136073 / 1136075 |
Chris vanBuskirk (Vanderbilt) |
Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization |
Chris vanBuskirk |
0931632 |
Christine Julien (UT Austin) |
Physically Informed Assertions for CPS Development and Debugging |
Christine Julien |
1239498 |
Christos Cassandras (Boston) |
A Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for the "Smart City'' |
Azer Bestavros |
1239021, 1239030, 1239102 |
Chunming Qiao (SUNY Buffalo) |
Addressing Design and Human Factors Challenges in Cyber-Transportation Systems |
Chunming Qiao |
1035733 |
Claire Tomlin (UC Berkeley) |
ActionWebs |
Edward Lee and David Culler |
0931843 |
Curt Schurgers (UCSD) |
Networked Sensor Swarm of Underwater Drifters |
Curt Schurgers |
1035828 |
Dan Wolf (CyberPack Ventures) |
Science of Security Academic Survey |
Donald Goff |
N/A |
David Culler (UC Berkeley) |
Software Defined Buildings |
David Culler |
1239552 |
Deepak Ganesan (UMass Amherst) |
Computational Eyeglasses for Advanced Context Sensing |
Deepak Ganesan |
1239341 |
Dennis Bernstein (Michigan) |
Robust Capacity-Constrained Scheduling and Data-Based Modeling
for Enhanced Collision Avoidance in Low-Earth Orbit |
Dennis Bernstein |
1035236 |
Domitilla Del Vecchio (MIT) |
CPS Synergy: Collaborative Research: Formal Design of Semi-autonomous Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems |
Domitilla Del Vecchio |
1239182, 1238600 |
Duncan Callaway (UC Berkeley) |
Coordinated Resource Management of Cyber-Physical-Social Power Systems |
Duncan Callaway |
1239467, 1239178, 1239274 |
Edward Lee (UC Berkeley) |
CPS: Medium: Timing-Centric Software |
Edward Lee |
1035672 |
Eric Feron (GA Tech) |
Credible Autocoding and Verification of Embedded Software (CrAVES) |
Eric Feron |
1135955 |
Eric Perreault (Northwestern/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) |
CPS Large: Cybernetic Interfaces for the Restoration of Human Movement through Functional Electrical Stimulation |
Eric Perreault |
0932263 |
Er-wei Bai (University of Iowa) |
A Hybrid Detector Network for Nuclear and Radioactive Threat Detection |
Er-wei Bai |
1239509 |
Eugene Goldfield (Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard) |
Programmable Second Skin for Re-Educating Injured Nervous Systems |
Eugene Goldfield |
932015 |
Fillia Makedon (UT Arlington) |
CPS: Medium: A Novel Human Centric CPS to Improve Motor/Cognitive Assessment and Enable Adaptive Rehabilitation |
Fillia Makedon |
1035913 |
Francesco Borrelli (UC Berkeley) |
Provably Safe Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems with Humans-in-the-Loop |
Francesco Borrelli |
1239323, 1035866 |
Francesco Bullo (UC Santa Barbara) |
Dynamic Routing and Robotic Coordination for Oceanographic Adaptive Sampling |
Rush Patel |
1035917 |
Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt) |
Diagnostics and Prognostics Using Temporal Causal Models for Cyber-Physical Systems - A Case of Smart Electric Grid |
Abhishek Dubey |
1329803, 1329666, 1329800 |
Gary Balas (Minnesota) |
CPS: Embedded Fault Detection for Low-Cost, Safety-Critical Systems |
Peter Seiler |
0931931 |
George Pappas (UPenn) |
Quantitative Analysis and Design of Control Networks |
Miroslav Pajic & George Pappas |
0931239 |
Gookwon Suh (Cornell) |
Non-volatile Computing for Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems |
Wing-kei Yu |
0932069 |
Greg Hager (JHU) |
Hybrid Systems for Modeling and Teaching the Language of Surgery |
Rene Vidal |
0931805 |
Gunar Schirner (Northeastern) |
Holistic Design Methodology for Automated Implementation of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems |
Gunar Schirner |
1136027 / 1135854 |
Hairong Qi (Tennessee) |
Achieving High-Resolution Situational Awareness in Ultra-Wide-Area Cyber-Physical Systems |
Hairong Qi |
1239478 |
Hao Zheng (South Florida) |
Methods and Tools for Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Hao Zheng & Chris Meyers |
0930510 / 0930225 |
Hari Balakrishnan (MIT) |
Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems |
Hamsa Balakrishnan |
0931550 |
He Huang (Rhode Island) |
Towards Neural-controlled Artificial Legs using High-Performance Embedded Computers |
Fan Zhang |
0931820 |
Herbert Tanner (Delaware) |
Efficient Control Synthesis and Learning in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems |
Herbert Tanner |
1035588 & 1035577 |
Hongwei Zhang (Wayne State) |
A Cross-Layer Approach to Taming Cyber-Physical Uncertainties in Vehicular Wireless Networking and Platoon Control |
Hongwei Zhang |
1136007 |
Howard Chizeck (Washington) |
CPS:Breakthrough:Secure Telerobotics |
Howard Chizeck |
1329751 |
Ian Dobson (Iowa State) |
Cyber-physical Challenges of Transient Stability and Security in Power Grids
Related Materials: Doc 1 | Doc 2
Ian Dobson |
1219917, 1135819 |
Insup Lee (UPenn) |
CPS: Large: Assuring the Safety, Security, and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber-Physical Systems |
Insup Lee |
1035715 |
James Anderson (UNC -Chapel Hill) |
Bringing the Multicore Revolution to Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Frank Mueller |
1239135, 1239246 |
James Freudenberg (Michigan) |
Identification of Feedforward Control in a Cyber Grasp and Twist Task |
James Freudenberg |
1035271 |
James McLurkin (Rice) |
Geometric Distributed Algorithms for Multi-Robot Coordination and
Control |
James McLurkin & Nancy Lynch |
1035716 |
Jan Vitek (Purdue) |
Robust Distributed Wind Power Engineering |
Douglas Adams |
1136045 |
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt) |
Science of Cyber-Physical System Integration |
Xenofon Koutsoukos |
1035655 |
Jessy Grizzle (Michigan) |
Frontier: Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic Systems |
Jessy Grizzle |
1239037 |
Ji-Woong Lee (Penn State) |
Digital Control of Hybrid Systems via Simulation and Bisimulation |
Ji-Woong Lee |
1329422, 1329539 |
Jianghai Hu (Purdue) |
CPS: Synergy: Plug-and-play Cyber-Physical Systems to Enable Intelligent Buildings |
Jianghai Hu |
1329875 |
Jiawei Han (UIUC) |
NSF CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Foundations of Cyber-Physical Networks |
Jiawei Han |
0931975 |
Jitesh Panchal (Purdue) |
CPS: Synergy: Foundations of Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for Creative Design and Making of Cyber-physical Products |
Jitesh Panchal |
1329979 |
John Gallagher (Wright State) |
Methodologies for Engineering with Plug-and-Learn Components: Synthesis and Analysis Across Abstraction Layers |
John Gallagher |
1239196, 1239171, and 1239229 |
John Hatcliff (KSU) |
CPS: Synergy: Trustworthy Composition of Dynamic App-Centric Architectures for Medical Application Platforms |
John Hatcliff |
1239543 ,1239324 |
John Stankovic (Virginia) |
Body Sensor Networks: A Holistic Approach From Silicon to Users |
John Stankovic |
1035771 |
John Stankovic (Virginia) |
Multi-Level Predictive Control of Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems with Correlated Context |
John Stankovic |
1239483, 1239108, 1239226, 1239152 |
Jonathan Sprinkle (Arizona) |
CAREER: Domain-Specific Modeling Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
1253334 |
Joseph Beaman (UT Austin) |
Cyber-enabled Manufacturing Systems (CeMS) for small lot manufacturing |
Al Mok |
1239343 |
Junshan Zhang (ASU) |
Architecture and Distributed Management for
Reliable Mega-scale Smart Grids |
Donghoon Shin |
1035906 |
Kagan Tumer (Oregon State) |
CPS Small -- Collaborative Research: Distributed Coordination of Agents For Air Traffic Flow Management |
Kagan Tumer |
0931591 |
Kai Shen (Rochester) |
CPS: Synergy: Self-Sustainable Data-Driven Systems In the Field |
Kai Shen |
1239423 |
Kang Shin (Michigan) |
CPS: Synergy: Thermal-Aware Management of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Ella Atkins |
1329702, 1329831 |
Kang Shin (Michigan) |
Collaborative Research: Abstraction of Cyber-Physical Interplays and Its Application to CPS Design |
Ella Atkins |
0930813 |
Katia Sycara (CMU) |
Formal Models of Human Control and Interaction with CPS |
Katia Sycara and Meeko Oishi |
1329986, 1329878, 1329762 |
Kevin Tomsovic (Tennessee) |
A Cyber-Physical Framework for Remedial Action Schemes in Large Power Networks | POSTER 2 | ABSTRACT |
Kevin Tomsovic |
1239366 |
Kostas Bekris (Rutgers) |
Real-Time, Simulation-based Planning and Asynchronous Coordination for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Kostas Bekris |
0932423 |
Krishna Pattipati (UConn) |
CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis in a Network of Embedded Systems in Automotive Vehicles |
Chaitanya Sankavaram |
0931956 |
Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Duke) |
Cyber-Physical Integration for Digital Microfluidic Biochips |
Kai Hu |
1135853 |
Lang Tong (Cornell) |
Information and Computation Hierarchy for Smart Grids |
Lang Tong |
1135844 |
M. Cenk Cavusoglu (Case Western)
A Framework for Validation and Monitoring of Robotic Surgery Systems |
M. Cenk Cavusoglu |
1035602 |
Magnus Egerstedt (GA Tech) |
Hybrid Control Tools for Power Management and Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems |
Yorai Wardi and Patrick Martin |
1239225 &1239221 |
Mario Berges (CMU) |
A Framework for Enabling Energy-Aware Smart Facilities |
Kyle Anderson |
0930868 |
Marjorie Skubic (Missouri) |
Active Heterogeneous Sensing for Fall Detection and Fall Risk Assessment |
Marjorie Skubic |
0931607 |
Mark Campbell (Cornell) |
Tightly Integrated Perception and Planning in Intelligent Robots |
Frank Havlak and Ben Johnson |
0931686 |
Mark-Oliver Stehr (SRI International) |
A Logical Framework for Self-Optimizing Cyber-Physcial Systems |
Minyoung Kim |
932397 |
Matthew Might (Utah) |
Safety-Oriented Hybrid Verification for Medical Robots |
Steven Lyde |
1035658 |
Mehdi Kalantari Khandani (Maryland) |
Sensor Network Information Flow Dynamics |
Mehdi Kalantari Khandani |
931957 |
Metin Sitti (CMU) |
Dense Networks of Bacteria Propelled Micro-Robotic Swarms |
Radu Marculescu |
1135850 |
Michael Lemmon (Notre Dame)
CPS: Small: Dynamically Managing the Real-time Fabric of a Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network |
Michael Lemmon |
931195 |
Michael Lemmon (Notre Dame) |
CPS: Synergy: Resilient Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks |
Michael Lemmon |
1239222 |
Mina Sartipi UT Chattanooga) |
CPS Foundations in Computation and Communication |
Mina Sartipi |
0932113 |
Mitchell Neilsen (KSU) |
Infusing System Design and Sensor Technology in K-12 Education |
Gurdip Singh |
0948019 |
Munther Dahleh (MIT) |
New Architectures for Demand Response |
Mardavij Roozbehani |
1135843 |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian (UC Irvine) |
Project CYPRESS (Cyber-Physical Resilience and Sustainability): Dependability Techniques for Instrumented Cyber-Physical Spaces |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian and Zhijing Qin |
1063596 and 1063597 |
Neal Patwari (Utah) |
Enabling and Advancing Human and Probabilistic Context Awareness for Smart Facilities and Elder Care |
Neal Patwari |
1035565, 1035152 |
Nicholas Maxemchuk (Columbia) |
Managing Complexity in Safe Lane Merging Protocols |
Nick Maxemchuk |
1035178 |
Nicola Elia (Iowa State) |
CPS: Breakthrough: Distributed computing under uncertainty: a new paradigm for cooperative cyber-physical systems |
Nicola Elia |
1239319 |
Nikolaus Correll (Colorado) |
EAGER: Centralized Control of Large-Scale Distributed Sensor/Actuator Networks: Self-organizing Amorphous Facades |
Nikolaus Correll |
1153158 |
Nuno Martins (Maryland) |
Collaborative Research: Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks |
Nuno Martins |
1135726 , 1135719, 1135724 |
Nuno Martins (Maryland) |
CPS:Medium:Ant-Like Microrobots - Fast, Small, and Under Control |
Nuno Martins |
0931878 |
Oleg Sokolsky (UPenn) |
Safety-Feature Modeling and Adaptive Resource Management for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems |
Oleg Sokolsky |
1329861 and 1329984 |
Ovidiu Daescu (UT Dallas) |
Collaborative Research: Tumor and organs at risk motion: an opportunity for better DMLC IMRT delivery systems |
Ovidiu Daescu |
1035460, 1249434 |
P. R. Kumar (Texas A&M) |
Collision Free Autonomous Ground Traffic: A Model Predictive Control Approach |
Kyoung-Dae Kim |
1232602 |
Panagiotis Christofides (UCLA) |
Design of Networked Control Systems for Chemical Processes |
Matthew Ellis |
0930746 |
Parmesh Ramanathan (Wisconsin) |
Preserving confidentiality of sensitive information in power system models |
Parmesh Ramanathan |
1329452 |
Paulo Tabuada (UCLA) |
Towards robust cyber-physical systems |
Paulo Tabuada |
1035916 |
Pei Zhang (CMU) |
Efficient Mapping and Management of Applications onto Cyber-Physical Systems |
Pei Zhang |
1135874 |
Peter Seiler (Minnesota) |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Managing Uncertainty in the Design of Safety-Critical Aviation Systems |
Peter Seiler |
1329390 & 1329341 |
Peter Stone (UT Austin) |
The Open-Source TEXPLORE Code Release for Reinforcement Learning on Robots |
Matteo Leonetti |
1330072 |
Peter Volgyesi (Vanderbilt) |
Self Sustaining CPS for Structural Monitoring |
Peter Volgyesi |
1035627 |
Philip Brisk (UC Riverside) |
A High-Performance Online Assay Interpreter for Digital Microfluidic Biochips |
Philip Brisk |
1035603 |
Phillip Jones (Iowa State) |
Integration of Conjoined Cyber-Physical System Properties |
Phillip Jones |
1060093 |
Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley) |
Learning for Control of Synthetic Cyborg |
Teodor Moldovan |
0931463 |
Pietro Valdastri (Vanderbilt) |
CPS: Synergy: Integrated modeling, analysis and synthesis of miniature medical devices |
Pietro Valdastri |
1239355 |
Pitu Mirchandani (ASU) |
A Cyber-Physical System for Proactive Traffic Management to Enhance Mobility and Sustainability |
Pitu Mirchandani and Dijiang Huang |
1239396, 1239364 |
Prabir Barooah (Florida) |
CPS: Methods for Network-Enabled Embedded Monitoring and Control for High-Performance Buildings |
Prabir Barooah and Sean Meyn |
0931885 |
Prasad Sistla (Illinois) |
Monitoring Techniques for Safety Critical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Yao Feng |
1035914 |
Qi Cheng (Oklahoma State) |
A Unified Distributed Spatiotemporal Signal Processing Framework for Structural Health Monitoring |
Qi Cheng |
0932297 |
Radu Stoleru (Texas) |
Flow-based Cyber-Physical Systems |
Mahima A. Suresh |
1253968 |
Rahul Mangharam (UPenn) |
From Verified Models to Verified Code for Medical Devices |
Rahul Mangharam |
1253842 |
Raj Rajkumar (CMU) |
Advanced Transportation Systems |
Raj Rajkumar |
1035813 |
Raja Sengupta (UC Berkeley) |
Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing |
Raja Sengupta |
1136141 |
Robert Fowler (UNC) |
Plug-and-Play Environment for Sensor Configuration and Data Collection |
Robert Fowler |
0932011 |
Satyandra Gupta (Maryland) |
Image Guided Autonomous Optical Manipulation of Cell Groups |
Sagar Chowdhury |
0931508 |
Shankar Sastry (UC Berkeley) |
Foundations Of Resilient CybEr-physical Systems |
Saurabh Amin |
1239166, 1239054 |
Shigang Chen (Florida) |
Transforming a City's Transportation Infrastructure through an Embedded Pervasive Communication Network |
Shigang Chen |
0931969 |
Sinan Keten (Northwestern) |
Simulation-Based Design of Functional Sub-nanometer Porous Membranes |
Sinan Keten |
1234305 |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan (Colorado) |
Analyzing Human User Interactions with Cyber-Physical Systems |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan |
1035845 |
Stavros Tripakis (UC Berkeley) |
Compositional System Modeling with Interfaces - COSMOI |
Stavros Tripakis |
1329759 |
Stephane Lafortune (Michigan) |
CPS Small: Control of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems under Partial Information and Limited Communication |
Stephane Lafortune |
0930081 |
Stephen Patek (Virginia) |
Control Subject to Human Behavioral Disturbances: Anticipating Behavioral Influences in the Control of Diabetes |
Stephen Patek |
0931633 |
Steven LaValle (UIUC) |
Sensor Lattices |
Max Katsev |
1035345 |
Sudip Mazumder (UIC) |
Boolean Microgrid |
Sudip K. Mazumder |
1239118 |
Suhas Diggavi (UCLA) |
Foundations of Secure Cyber-Physical Systems |
Suhas Diggavi |
1136174 |
Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC) |
The Ektokernel Approach |
Tarek Abdelzaher |
1035736 |
Teresa Wu (ASU) |
SMARTER -Smart Manager for Adaptive and Real-Time decisions in building clustERs |
Jin Wen (Thursday), Teresa Wu (Friday) |
1239257, 1239247, 1239093 |
Thomas Kurfess (GA Tech) |
Converting Multi-Axis Machine Tools into Subtractive3D Printers |
Tommy Tucker |
1329742 |
Todd Murphey (Northwestern) |
Mutually Stabilized Correction in Physical Demonstration |
Brenna Argall |
1329891 |
Tony Givargis (UC Irvine) |
A Ball Goes to School - Our Experiences from a Cyber-Physical Systems Design Experiment |
Tony Givargis |
1136146 |
Tyrone Vincent (Colorado School of Mines) |
CEEMS - Cyber-Enabled Efficient Energy Management of Structures |
Tyrone Vincent |
0931748 |
Umesh Vaidya |
A Unified System Theoretic Framework for Cyber Attack-Resilient Power Grid |
Manimaran Govindarasu |
1329915 |
Umit Ozguner (Ohio State) |
Autonomous Driving in Mixed-Traffic Urban Environments |
Umit Ozguner |
0931669 |
Venkatesh Saligrama (Boston) |
Sequential Supervised Learning |
Venkatesh Saligrama |
0932114 |
Veronica Santos (ASU) |
Cyber-physical system challenges in man-machine interfaces: context-dependent control of smart artificial hands through enhanced |
Stephen Helms Tillery |
0932389 |
Vijay Gupta (Notre Dame) |
Large Scale PEV Integration into Power Grids |
Vijay Gupta |
1239224 |
Vinod Ganapathy (Rutgers) |
Establishing Integrity in Dynamic Networks of Cyber-Physical Devices |
Vinod Ganapathy |
0931992 |
Walid Taha (Halmsted University & Rice University) |
A CPS Approach to Robot Design |
Yingfu Zeng |
1136099 |
XiangYang Li (IIT) |
Managing Loosely Coupled Networked Control Systems with External Disturbances |
Shang Ping Ren |
1035894 |
Xiaoping Qian (IIT) |
Automated and Robust Nano-Assembly with Atomic Force Microscopes |
Guangyong Li |
1035844 & 1035563 |
Yan Wan (North Texas) |
Dynamical-Network Evaluation and Design Tools for Strategic-to Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management |
Yan Wan |
1035386 |
Yannis Tsividis (Columbia) |
Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Computers for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Yannis Tsividis |
1239134 |
Yiannis Aloimonos (Maryland) |
A Mid-Level Approach for Efficient Object Search in Clutter |
Cornelia Fermuller |
1035542 |
Yu Sun (South Florida) |
Virtually Transparent Epidermal Imagery |
Yu Sun |
1035594 |
Yun Fu (Northeastern) |
Quantitative Visual Sensing of Dynamic Behaviors for Home-based Progressive Rehabilitation |
Yun Fu |
1314484 |