Visible to the public Location Based Privacy Protection Data Interference Method

TitleLocation Based Privacy Protection Data Interference Method
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsXu, Ruikun
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Smart Agriculture (ICEITSA)
Keywordscomposability, compositionality, Data interference, data privacy, energy consumption, Human Behavior, location privacy, Location Privacy in Wireless Networks, Metrics, Phantoms, privacy, privacy protection, pubcrawl, Publishing, resilience, Resiliency, Soft sensors, wireless networks, Wireless sensor networks
AbstractIn recent years, with the rise of the Internet of things industry, a variety of user location-based applications came into being. While users enjoy these convenient services, their location information privacy is also facing a great threat. Therefore, the research on location privacy protection in the Internet of things has become a hot spot for scholars. Privacy protection microdata publishing is a hot spot in data privacy protection research. Data interference is an effective solution for privacy protection microdata publishing. Aiming at privacy protection clustering problem, a privacy protection data interference method is proposed. In this paper, the location privacy protection algorithm is studied, with the purpose of providing location services and protecting the data interference of users' location privacy. In this paper, the source location privacy protection protocol (PR \_ CECRP) algorithm with controllable energy consumption is proposed to control the energy consumption of phantom routing strategy. In the routing process from the source node to the phantom node, the source data packet forwarding mechanism based on sector area division is adopted, so that the random routing path is generated and the routing energy consumption and transmission delay are effectively controlled.
Citation Keyxu_location_2021