Visible to the public Enhancing Physical Layer Security with Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission in 5G and Beyond Networks

TitleEnhancing Physical Layer Security with Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission in 5G and Beyond Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsÖzmat, Utku, Demirkol, Mehmet Fatih, Demirci, Nuran, Yazıcı, Mehmet Akif
Conference Name2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)
Date Publishedoct
Keywords5G, 5G mobile communication, antenna arrays, composability, Coordinated Multi-Point, Interference, Metrics, mMIMO, physical layer security, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, Signal to noise ratio, transmitting antennas
AbstractPhysical layer security has gained importance with the widespread use of wireless communication systems. Multiantenna systems and multi-point transmission techniques in 5G and beyond are promising techniques not only for enhancing data rates, but also physical layer security. Coordinated multipoint transmission is used for enhancing the service quality and decreasing inter-cell interference especially for cell-edge users. In this study, analysis of physical layer security enhancement via multi-antenna technologies and coordinated multi-point for 5G and beyond networks is provided. The proposed scheme is evaluated on calculations from real-life mobile network topologies. As a figure of performance, the secure and successful detection probability is computed with varying antenna array size, number of coordinated transmission points, and different service requirements.
Citation Keyozmat_enhancing_2020