Visible to the public Protecting White-Box Block Ciphers with Galois/Counter Mode

TitleProtecting White-Box Block Ciphers with Galois/Counter Mode
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsXie, Nanjiang, Gong, Zheng, Tang, Yufeng, Wang, Lei, Wen, Yamin
Conference Name2022 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAES, Block Cipher, Cipher working mode, Ciphers, composability, Costs, encoding, Encryption, Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Table lookup, the Galois/Counter Mode, White Box Security, white-box cryptography
AbstractAll along, white-box cryptography researchers focus on the design and implementation of certain primitives but less to the practice of the cipher working modes. For example, the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) requires block ciphers to perform only the encrypting operations, which inevitably facing code-lifting attacks under the white-box security model. In this paper, a code-lifting resisted GCM (which is named WBGCM) is proposed to mitigate this security drawbacks in the white-box context. The basic idea is to combining external encodings with exclusive-or operations in GCM, and therefore two different schemes are designed with external encodings (WBGCM-EE) and maskings (WBGCM-Maksing), respectively. Furthermore, WBGCM is instantiated with Chow et al.'s white-box AES, and the experiments show that the processing speeds of WBGCM-EE and WBGCM-Masking achieves about 5 MBytes/Second with a marginal storage overhead.
Citation Keyxie_protecting_2022