Visible to the public Safety-Driven Approach for Security Audit of I&C Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

TitleSafety-Driven Approach for Security Audit of I&C Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsLobanok, Oleg, Promyslov, Vitaly, Semenkov, Kirill
Conference Name2022 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
Date Publishedmay
Keywordsaudit, Human Behavior, I&c, Industrial engineering, Information security, Instruments, NPP, nuclear power plant, process control, Production, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Safety, Scalability, security, Security Audits, Taxonomy
AbstractIn this paper, we tried to summarize the practical experience of information security audits of nuclear power plants' automated process control system (I&C). The article presents a methodology for auditing the information security of instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power plants. The methodology was developed taking into account international and national Russian norms and rules and standards. The audit taxonomy, classification lifecycle are described. The taxonomy of information security audits shows that form, objectives of the I&C information security audit, and procedures can vary widely. A conceptual program is considered and discussed in details. The distinctive feature of the methodology is the mandatory consideration of the impact of information security on nuclear safety.
Citation Keylobanok_safety-driven_2022