Visible to the public Security and Privacy Evaluation Methods and Metrics in Vehicular Networks

TitleSecurity and Privacy Evaluation Methods and Metrics in Vehicular Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBenarous, Leila, Boudjit, Saadi
Conference Name2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
Keywordsanalyze, evaluation methods, Evaluation Metrics, Measurement, Metrics, Network security, privacy, proof, pubcrawl, Roads, Safety, security, security metrics, Vehicular Networks, Weather forecasting, Web and internet services
AbstractThe vehicular networks extend the internet services to road edge. They allow users to stay connected offering them a set of safety and infotainment services like weather forecasts and road conditions. The security and privacy are essential issues in computing systems and networks. They are particularly important in vehicular networks due to their direct impact on the users' safety on road. Various researchers have concentrated their efforts on resolving these two issues in vehicular networks. A great number of researches are found in literature and with still existing open issues and security risks to be solved, the research is continuous in this area. However, the researchers may face some difficulties in choosing the correct method to prove their works or to illustrate their excellency in comparison with existing solutions. In this paper, we review a set of evaluation methodologies and metrics to measure, proof or analyze privacy and security solutions. The aim of this review is to illuminate the readers about the possible existing methods to help them choose the correct techniques to use and reduce their difficulties.
Citation Keybenarous_security_2022