Visible to the public Node Protection using Hiding Identity for IPv6 Based Network

TitleNode Protection using Hiding Identity for IPv6 Based Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAli, Maytham Hakim, Al-Alak, Saif
Conference Name2022 Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (MICEST)
KeywordsCollaboration, composability, Computational modeling, IP spoofing, IPv6, logistic map, Memory management, Metrics, Network security, OPNET, Policy Based Governance, Power demand, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, RSA, security, SHA2, steganography, Traffic Control
AbstractProtecting an identity of IPv6 packet against Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack, depend on the proposed methods of cryptography and steganography. Reliable communication using the security aspect is the most visible issue, particularly in IPv6 network applications. Problems such as DoS attacks, IP spoofing and other kinds of passive attacks are common. This paper suggests an approach based on generating a randomly unique identities for every node. The generated identity is encrypted and hided in the transmitted packets of the sender side. In the receiver side, the received packet verified to identify the source before processed. Also, the paper involves implementing nine experiments that are used to test the proposed scheme. The scheme is based on creating the address of IPv6, then passing it to the logistics map then encrypted by RSA and authenticated by SHA2. In addition, network performance is computed by OPNET modular. The results showed better computation power consumption in case of lost packet, average events, memory and time, and the better results as total memory is 35,523 KB, average events/sec is 250,52, traffic sent is 30,324 packets/sec, traffic received is 27,227 packets/sec, and lose packets is 3,097 packets/sec.
Citation Keyali_node_2022