Visible to the public Adversarial Eigen Attack on BlackBox Models

TitleAdversarial Eigen Attack on BlackBox Models
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsZhou, Linjun, Cui, Peng, Zhang, Xingxuan, Jiang, Yinan, Yang, Shiqiang
Conference Name2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAdversarial attack and defense, Black Box Attacks, composability, Computational modeling, Computer vision, Data models, Deep Learning, Jacobian matrices, machine learning, Metrics, Optimization methods, Perturbation methods, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Training data
AbstractBlack-box adversarial attack has aroused much research attention for its difficulty on nearly no available information of the attacked model and the additional constraint on the query budget. A common way to improve attack efficiency is to transfer the gradient information of a white-box substitute model trained on an extra dataset. In this paper, we deal with a more practical setting where a pre-trained white-box model with network parameters is provided without extra training data. To solve the model mismatch problem between the white-box and black-box models, we propose a novel algorithm EigenBA by systematically integrating gradient-based white-box method and zeroth-order optimization in black-box methods. We theoretically show the optimal directions of perturbations for each step are closely related to the right singular vectors of the Jacobian matrix of the pretrained white-box model. Extensive experiments on ImageNet, CIFAR-10 and WebVision show that EigenBA can consistently and significantly outperform state-of-the-art baselines in terms of success rate and attack efficiency.
Citation Keyzhou_adversarial_2022