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Improved differential privacy K-means clustering algorithm for privacy budget allocation. 2022 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ICCEAI). :221–225.
2022. In the differential privacy clustering algorithm, the added random noise causes the clustering centroids to be shifted, which affects the usability of the clustering results. To address this problem, we design a differential privacy K-means clustering algorithm based on an adaptive allocation of privacy budget to the clustering effect: Adaptive Differential Privacy K-means (ADPK-means). The method is based on the evaluation results generated at the end of each iteration in the clustering algorithm. First, it dynamically evaluates the effect of the clustered sets at the end of each iteration by measuring the separation and tightness between the clustered sets. Then, the evaluation results are introduced into the process of privacy budget allocation by weighting the traditional privacy budget allocation. Finally, different privacy budgets are assigned to different sets of clusters in the iteration to achieve the purpose of adaptively adding perturbation noise to each set. In this paper, both theoretical and experimental results are analyzed, and the results show that the algorithm satisfies e-differential privacy and achieves better results in terms of the availability of clustering results for the three standard datasets.
Sensitivity Support in Data Privacy Algorithms. 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON). :1–4.
2022. Personal data privacy is a great concern by governments across the world as citizens generate huge amount of data continuously and industries using this for betterment of user centric services. There must be a reasonable balance between data privacy and utility of data. Differential privacy is a promise by data collector to the customer’s personal privacy. Centralised Differential Privacy (CDP) is performing output perturbation of user’s data by applying required privacy budget. This promises the inclusion or exclusion of individual’s data in data set not going to create significant change for a statistical query output and it offers -Differential privacy guarantee. CDP is holding a strong belief on trusted data collector and applying global sensitivity of the data. Local Differential Privacy (LDP) helps user to locally perturb his data and there by guaranteeing privacy even with untrusted data collector. Many differential privacy algorithms handles parameters like privacy budget, sensitivity and data utility in different ways and mostly trying to keep trade-off between privacy and utility of data. This paper evaluates differential privacy algorithms in regard to the privacy support it offers according to the sensitivity of the data. Generalized application of privacy budget is found ineffective in comparison to the sensitivity based usage of privacy budget.
Can You Spot the Chameleon? Adversarially Camouflaging Images from Co-Salient Object Detection 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :2140–2149.
2022. Co-salient object detection (CoSOD) has recently achieved significant progress and played a key role in retrieval-related tasks. However, it inevitably poses an entirely new safety and security issue, i.e., highly personal and sensitive content can potentially be extracting by powerful CoSOD methods. In this paper, we address this problem from the perspective of adversarial attacks and identify a novel task: adversarial co-saliency attack. Specially, given an image selected from a group of images containing some common and salient objects, we aim to generate an adversarial version that can mislead CoSOD methods to predict incorrect co-salient regions. Note that, compared with general white-box adversarial attacks for classification, this new task faces two additional challenges: (1) low success rate due to the diverse appearance of images in the group; (2) low transferability across CoSOD methods due to the considerable difference between CoSOD pipelines. To address these challenges, we propose the very first blackbox joint adversarial exposure and noise attack (Jadena), where we jointly and locally tune the exposure and additive perturbations of the image according to a newly designed high-feature-level contrast-sensitive loss function. Our method, without any information on the state-of-the-art CoSOD methods, leads to significant performance degradation on various co-saliency detection datasets and makes the co-salient objects undetectable. This can have strong practical benefits in properly securing the large number of personal photos currently shared on the Internet. Moreover, our method is potential to be utilized as a metric for evaluating the robustness of CoSOD methods.
Adversarial Eigen Attack on BlackBox Models. 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :15233–15241.
2022. Black-box adversarial attack has aroused much research attention for its difficulty on nearly no available information of the attacked model and the additional constraint on the query budget. A common way to improve attack efficiency is to transfer the gradient information of a white-box substitute model trained on an extra dataset. In this paper, we deal with a more practical setting where a pre-trained white-box model with network parameters is provided without extra training data. To solve the model mismatch problem between the white-box and black-box models, we propose a novel algorithm EigenBA by systematically integrating gradient-based white-box method and zeroth-order optimization in black-box methods. We theoretically show the optimal directions of perturbations for each step are closely related to the right singular vectors of the Jacobian matrix of the pretrained white-box model. Extensive experiments on ImageNet, CIFAR-10 and WebVision show that EigenBA can consistently and significantly outperform state-of-the-art baselines in terms of success rate and attack efficiency.
Catch Me If You Can: Blackbox Adversarial Attacks on Automatic Speech Recognition using Frequency Masking. 2022 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :169–178.
2022. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are used widely in applications for voice navigation and voice control of domestic appliances. ASRs have been misused by attackers to generate malicious outputs by attacking the deep learning component within ASRs. To assess the security and robustnesss of ASRs, we propose techniques within our framework SPAT that generate blackbox (agnostic to the DNN) adversarial attacks that are portable across ASRs. This is in contrast to existing work that focuses on whitebox attacks that are time consuming and lack portability. Our techniques generate adversarial attacks that have no human audible difference by manipulating the input speech signal using a psychoacoustic model that maintains the audio perturbations below the thresholds of human perception. We propose a framework SPAT with three attack generation techniques based on the psychoacoustic concept and frame selection techniques to selectively target the attack. We evaluate portability and effectiveness of our techniques using three popular ASRs and two input audio datasets using the metrics- Word Error Rate (WER) of output transcription, Similarity to original audio, attack Success Rate on different ASRs and Detection score by a defense system. We found our adversarial attacks were portable across ASRs, not easily detected by a state-of the-art defense system, and had significant difference in output transcriptions while sounding similar to original audio.
Context-aware Collaborative Neuro-Symbolic Inference in IoBTs. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1053—1058.
2022. IoBTs must feature collaborative, context-aware, multi-modal fusion for real-time, robust decision-making in adversarial environments. The integration of machine learning (ML) models into IoBTs has been successful at solving these problems at a small scale (e.g., AiTR), but state-of-the-art ML models grow exponentially with increasing temporal and spatial scale of modeled phenomena, and can thus become brittle, untrustworthy, and vulnerable when interpreting large-scale tactical edge data. To address this challenge, we need to develop principles and methodologies for uncertainty-quantified neuro-symbolic ML, where learning and inference exploit symbolic knowledge and reasoning, in addition to, multi-modal and multi-vantage sensor data. The approach features integrated neuro-symbolic inference, where symbolic context is used by deep learning, and deep learning models provide atomic concepts for symbolic reasoning. The incorporation of high-level symbolic reasoning improves data efficiency during training and makes inference more robust, interpretable, and resource-efficient. In this paper, we identify the key challenges in developing context-aware collaborative neuro-symbolic inference in IoBTs and review some recent progress in addressing these gaps.
CR-Spectre: Defense-Aware ROP Injected Code-Reuse Based Dynamic Spectre. 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). :508–513.
2022. Side-channel attacks have been a constant threat to computing systems. In recent times, vulnerabilities in the architecture were discovered and exploited to mount and execute a state-of-the-art attack such as Spectre. The Spectre attack exploits a vulnerability in the Intel-based processors to leak confidential data through the covert channel. There exist some defenses to mitigate the Spectre attack. Among multiple defenses, hardware-assisted attack/intrusion detection (HID) systems have received overwhelming response due to its low overhead and efficient attack detection. The HID systems deploy machine learning (ML) classifiers to perform anomaly detection to determine whether the system is under attack. For this purpose, a performance monitoring tool profiles the applications to record hardware performance counters (HPC), utilized for anomaly detection. Previous HID systems assume that the Spectre is executed as a standalone application. In contrast, we propose an attack that dynamically generates variations in the injected code to evade detection. The attack is injected into a benign application. In this manner, the attack conceals itself as a benign application and gen-erates perturbations to avoid detection. For the attack injection, we exploit a return-oriented programming (ROP)-based code-injection technique that reuses the code, called gadgets, present in the exploited victim's (host) memory to execute the attack, which, in our case, is the CR-Spectre attack to steal sensitive data from a target victim (target) application. Our work focuses on proposing a dynamic attack that can evade HID detection by injecting perturbations, and its dynamically generated variations thereof, under the cloak of a benign application. We evaluate the proposed attack on the MiBench suite as the host. From our experiments, the HID performance degrades from 90% to 16%, indicating our Spectre-CR attack avoids detection successfully.
An Effective Steganalysis for Robust Steganography with Repetitive JPEG Compression. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3084–3088.
2022. With the development of social networks, traditional covert communication requires more consideration of lossy processes of Social Network Platforms (SNPs), which is called robust steganography. Since JPEG compression is a universal processing of SNPs, a method using repeated JPEG compression to fit transport channel matching is recently proposed and shows strong compression-resist performance. However, the repeated JPEG compression will inevitably introduce other artifacts into the stego image. Using only traditional steganalysis methods does not work well towards such robust steganography under low payload. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective method to detect the mentioned steganography by chasing both steganographic perturbations as well as continuous compression artifacts. We introduce compression-forensic features as a complement to steganalysis features, and then use the ensemble classifier for detection. Experiments demonstrate that this method owns a similar and better performance with respect to both traditional and neural-network-based steganalysis.
ISSN: 2379-190X
When Deep Learning Meets Steganography: Protecting Inference Privacy in the Dark. IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :590–599.
2022. While cloud-based deep learning benefits for high-accuracy inference, it leads to potential privacy risks when exposing sensitive data to untrusted servers. In this paper, we work on exploring the feasibility of steganography in preserving inference privacy. Specifically, we devise GHOST and GHOST+, two private inference solutions employing steganography to make sensitive images invisible in the inference phase. Motivated by the fact that deep neural networks (DNNs) are inherently vulnerable to adversarial attacks, our main idea is turning this vulnerability into the weapon for data privacy, enabling the DNN to misclassify a stego image into the class of the sensitive image hidden in it. The main difference is that GHOST retrains the DNN into a poisoned network to learn the hidden features of sensitive images, but GHOST+ leverages a generative adversarial network (GAN) to produce adversarial perturbations without altering the DNN. For enhanced privacy and a better computation-communication trade-off, both solutions adopt the edge-cloud collaborative framework. Compared with the previous solutions, this is the first work that successfully integrates steganography and the nature of DNNs to achieve private inference while ensuring high accuracy. Extensive experiments validate that steganography has excellent ability in accuracy-aware privacy protection of deep learning.
ISSN: 2641-9874
Strong PUF Security Metrics: Response Sensitivity to Small Challenge Perturbations. 2022 23rd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :1—10.
2022. This paper belongs to a sequence of manuscripts that discuss generic and easy-to-apply security metrics for Strong PUFs. These metrics cannot and shall not fully replace in-depth machine learning (ML) studies in the security assessment of Strong PUF candidates. But they can complement the latter, serve in initial PUF complexity analyses, and are much easier and more efficient to apply: They do not require detailed knowledge of various ML methods, substantial computation times, or the availability of an internal parametric model of the studied PUF. Our metrics also can be standardized particularly easily. This avoids the sometimes inconclusive or contradictory findings of existing ML-based security test, which may result from the usage of different or non-optimized ML algorithms and hyperparameters, differing hardware resources, or varying numbers of challenge-response pairs in the training phase.This first manuscript within the abovementioned sequence treats one of the conceptually most straightforward security metrics on that path: It investigates the effects that small perturbations in the PUF-challenges have on the resulting PUF-responses. We first develop and implement several sub-metrics that realize this approach in practice. We then empirically show that these metrics have surprising predictive power, and compare our obtained test scores with the known real-world security of several popular Strong PUF designs. The latter include (XOR) Arbiter PUFs, Feed-Forward Arbiter PUFs, and (XOR) Bistable Ring PUFs. Along the way, our manuscript also suggests techniques for representing the results of our metrics graphically, and for interpreting them in a meaningful manner.
A Robust Framework for Adaptive Selection of Filter Ensembles to Detect Adversarial Inputs. 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W). :59—67.
2022. Existing defense strategies against adversarial attacks (AAs) on AI/ML are primarily focused on examining the input data streams using a wide variety of filtering techniques. For instance, input filters are used to remove noisy, misleading, and out-of-class inputs along with a variety of attacks on learning systems. However, a single filter may not be able to detect all types of AAs. To address this issue, in the current work, we propose a robust, transferable, distribution-independent, and cross-domain supported framework for selecting Adaptive Filter Ensembles (AFEs) to minimize the impact of data poisoning on learning systems. The optimal filter ensembles are determined through a Multi-Objective Bi-Level Programming Problem (MOBLPP) that provides a subset of diverse filter sequences, each exhibiting fair detection accuracy. The proposed framework of AFE is trained to model the pristine data distribution to identify the corrupted inputs and converges to the optimal AFE without vanishing gradients and mode collapses irrespective of input data distributions. We presented preliminary experiments to show the proposed defense outperforms the existing defenses in terms of robustness and accuracy.
Facial Privacy Preservation using FGSM and Universal Perturbation attacks. 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COM-IT-CON). 1:46—52.
2022. Research done in Facial Privacy so far has entrenched the scope of gleaning race, age, and gender from a human’s facial image that are classifiable and compliant biometric attributes. Noticeable distortions, morphing, and face-swapping are some of the techniques that have been researched to restore consumers’ privacy. By fooling face recognition models, these techniques cater superficially to the needs of user privacy, however, the presence of visible manipulations negatively affects the aesthetic of the image. The objective of this work is to highlight common adversarial techniques that can be used to introduce granular pixel distortions using white-box and black-box perturbation algorithms that ensure the privacy of users’ sensitive or personal data in face images, fooling AI facial recognition models while maintaining the aesthetics of and visual integrity of the image.
SPA: An Efficient Adversarial Attack on Spiking Neural Networks using Spike Probabilistic. 2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). :366–375.
2022. With the future 6G era, spiking neural networks (SNNs) can be powerful processing tools in various areas due to their strong artificial intelligence (AI) processing capabilities, such as biometric recognition, AI robotics, autonomous drive, and healthcare. However, within Cyber Physical System (CPS), SNNs are surprisingly vulnerable to adversarial examples generated by benign samples with human-imperceptible noise, this will lead to serious consequences such as face recognition anomalies, autonomous drive-out of control, and wrong medical diagnosis. Only by fully understanding the principles of adversarial attacks with adversarial samples can we defend against them. Nowadays, most existing adversarial attacks result in a severe accuracy degradation to trained SNNs. Still, the critical issue is that they only generate adversarial samples by randomly adding, deleting, and flipping spike trains, making them easy to identify by filters, even by human eyes. Besides, the attack performance and speed also can be improved further. Hence, Spike Probabilistic Attack (SPA) is presented in this paper and aims to generate adversarial samples with more minor perturbations, greater model accuracy degradation, and faster iteration. SPA uses Poisson coding to generate spikes as probabilities, directly converting input data into spikes for faster speed and generating uniformly distributed perturbation for better attack performance. Moreover, an objective function is constructed for minor perturbations and keeping attack success rate, which speeds up the convergence by adjusting parameters. Both white-box and black-box settings are conducted to evaluate the merits of SPA. Experimental results show the model's accuracy under white-box attack decreases by 9.2S% 31.1S% better than others, and average success rates are 74.87% under the black-box setting. The experimental results indicate that SPA has better attack performance than other existing attacks in the white-box and better transferability performance in the black-box setting,
FALIoTSE: Towards Federated Adversarial Learning for IoT Search Engine Resiliency. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :290–297.
2021. To improve efficiency and resource usage in data retrieval, an Internet of Things (IoT) search engine organizes a vast amount of scattered data and responds to client queries with processed results. Machine learning provides a deep understanding of complex patterns and enables enhanced feedback to users through well-trained models. Nonetheless, machine learning models are prone to adversarial attacks via the injection of elaborate perturbations, resulting in subverted outputs. Particularly, adversarial attacks on time-series data demand urgent attention, as sensors in IoT systems are collecting an increasing volume of sequential data. This paper investigates adversarial attacks on time-series analysis in an IoT search engine (IoTSE) system. Specifically, we consider the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as our base model, implemented in a simulated federated learning scheme. We propose the Federated Adversarial Learning for IoT Search Engine (FALIoTSE) that exploits the shared parameters of the federated model as the target for adversarial example generation and resiliency. Using a real-world smart parking garage dataset, the impact of an attack on FALIoTSE is demonstrated under various levels of perturbation. The experiments show that the training error increases significantly with noises from the gradient.
Protecting Reward Function of Reinforcement Learning via Minimal and Non-catastrophic Adversarial Trajectory. 2021 40th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :299—309.
2021. Reward functions are critical hyperparameters with commercial values for individual or distributed reinforcement learning (RL), as slightly different reward functions result in significantly different performance. However, existing inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) methods can be utilized to approximate reward functions just based on collected expert trajectories through observing. Thus, in the real RL process, how to generate a polluted trajectory and perform an adversarial attack on IRL for protecting reward functions has become the key issue. Meanwhile, considering the actual RL cost, generated adversarial trajectories should be minimal and non-catastrophic for ensuring normal RL performance. In this work, we propose a novel approach to craft adversarial trajectories disguised as expert ones, for decreasing the IRL performance and realize the anti-IRL ability. Firstly, we design a reward clustering-based metric to integrate both advantages of fine- and coarse-grained IRL assessment, including expected value difference (EVD) and mean reward loss (MRL). Further, based on such metric, we explore an adversarial attack based on agglomerative nesting algorithm (AGNES) clustering and determine targeted states as starting states for reward perturbation. Then we employ the intrinsic fear model to predict the probability of imminent catastrophe, supporting to generate non-catastrophic adversarial trajectories. Extensive experiments of 7 state-of-the-art IRL algorithms are implemented on the Object World benchmark, demonstrating the capability of our proposed approach in (a) decreasing the IRL performance and (b) having minimal and non-catastrophic adversarial trajectories.
Privacy Protection Method for Experts' Evaluation Ability Calculation of Peer Review. 2021 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :611—615.
2021. Most of the existing calculation method of expert evaluation ability directly call data onto calculation, which leads to the risk of privacy leakage of expert review information and affects the peer review environment. With regard to this problem, a privacy protection method of experts' evaluation ability calculation of peer review is proposed. Privacy protection and data usability are adjusted according to privacy preferences. Using Gauss distribution and combining with the distributive law of real evaluation data, the virtual projects are generated, and the project data are anonymized according to the virtual projects. Laplace distribution is used to add noise to the evaluation sub score for perturbation, and the evaluation data are obfuscation according to the perturbation sub score. Based on the protected project data and evaluation data, the expert evaluation ability is calculated, and the review privacy is protected. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively balance the privacy protection and the accuracy of the calculation results.
Vulnerability of Controller Area Network to Schedule-Based Attacks. 2021 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). :495–507.
2021. The secure functioning of automotive systems is vital to the safety of their passengers and other roadway users. One of the critical functions for safety is the controller area network (CAN), which interconnects the safety-critical electronic control units (ECUs) in the majority of ground vehicles. Unfortunately CAN is known to be vulnerable to several attacks. One such attack is the bus-off attack, which can be used to cause a victim ECU to disconnect itself from the CAN bus and, subsequently, for an attacker to masquerade as that ECU. A limitation of the bus-off attack is that it requires the attacker to achieve tight synchronization between the transmission of the victim and the attacker's injected message. In this paper, we introduce a schedule-based attack framework for the CAN bus-off attack that uses the real-time schedule of the CAN bus to predict more attack opportunities than previously known. We describe a ranking method for an attacker to select and optimize its attack injections with respect to criteria such as attack success rate, bus perturbation, or attack latency. The results show that vulnerabilities of the CAN bus can be enhanced by schedule-based attacks.
Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning Based Power Allocation in a Massive MIMO Network. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.
2021. Deep learning (DL) is becoming popular as a new tool for many applications in wireless communication systems. However, for many classification tasks (e.g., modulation classification) it has been shown that DL-based wireless systems are susceptible to adversarial examples; adversarial examples are well-crafted malicious inputs to the neural network (NN) with the objective to cause erroneous outputs. In this paper, we extend this to regression problems and show that adversarial attacks can break DL-based power allocation in the downlink of a massive multiple-input-multiple-output (maMIMO) network. Specifically, we extend the fast gradient sign method (FGSM), momentum iterative FGSM, and projected gradient descent adversarial attacks in the context of power allocation in a maMIMO system. We benchmark the performance of these attacks and show that with a small perturbation in the input of the NN, the white-box attacks can result in infeasible solutions up to 86%. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of black-box attacks. All the evaluations conducted in this work are based on an open dataset and NN models, which are publicly available.
Evaluating Model Robustness to Adversarial Samples in Network Intrusion Detection. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :3343–3352.
2021. Adversarial machine learning, a technique which seeks to deceive machine learning (ML) models, threatens the utility and reliability of ML systems. This is particularly relevant in critical ML implementations such as those found in Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). This paper considers the impact of adversarial influence on NIDS and proposes ways to improve ML based systems. Specifically, we consider five feature robustness metrics to determine which features in a model are most vulnerable, and four defense methods. These methods are tested on six ML models with four adversarial sample generation techniques. Our results show that across different models and adversarial generation techniques, there is limited consistency in vulnerable features or in effectiveness of defense method.
Modified RNP Privacy Protection Data Mining Method as Big Data Security. 2021 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS. :30–34.
2021. Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) has become an exciting topic to discuss in recent decades due to the growing interest in big data and data mining. A technique of securing data but still preserving the privacy that is in it. This paper provides an alternative perturbation-based PPDM technique which is carried out by modifying the RNP algorithm. The novelty given in this paper are modifications of some steps method with a specific purpose. The modifications made are in the form of first narrowing the selection of the disturbance value. With the aim that the number of attributes that are replaced in each record line is only as many as the attributes in the original data, no more and no need to repeat; secondly, derive the perturbation function from the cumulative distribution function and use it to find the probability distribution function so that the selection of replacement data has a clear basis. The experiment results on twenty-five perturbed data show that the modified RNP algorithm balances data utility and security level by selecting the appropriate disturbance value and perturbation value. The level of security is measured using privacy metrics in the form of value difference, average transformation of data, and percentage of retains. The method presented in this paper is fascinating to be applied to actual data that requires privacy preservation.
Adversarial Deepfakes: Evaluating Vulnerability of Deepfake Detectors to Adversarial Examples. 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). :3347–3356.
2021. Recent advances in video manipulation techniques have made the generation of fake videos more accessible than ever before. Manipulated videos can fuel disinformation and reduce trust in media. Therefore detection of fake videos has garnered immense interest in academia and industry. Recently developed Deepfake detection methods rely on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to distinguish AI-generated fake videos from real videos. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to bypass such detectors by adversarially modifying fake videos synthesized using existing Deepfake generation methods. We further demonstrate that our adversarial perturbations are robust to image and video compression codecs, making them a real-world threat. We present pipelines in both white-box and black-box attack scenarios that can fool DNN based Deepfake detectors into classifying fake videos as real.
Nomen Est Omen - The Role of Signatures in Ascribing Email Author Identity with Transformer Neural Networks. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :291–297.
2021. Authorship attribution, an NLP problem where anonymous text is matched to its author, has important, cross-disciplinary applications, particularly those concerning cyber-defense. Our research examines the degree of sensitivity that attention-based models have to adversarial perturbations. We ask, what is the minimal amount of change necessary to maximally confuse a transformer model? In our investigation we examine a balanced subset of emails from the Enron email dataset, calculating the performance of our model before and after email signatures have been perturbed. Results show that the model's performance changed significantly in the absence of a signature, indicating the importance of email signatures in email authorship detection. Furthermore, we show that these models rely on signatures for shorter emails much more than for longer emails. We also indicate that additional research is necessary to investigate stylometric features and adversarial training to further improve classification model robustness.
Sybil Attacks and Defense on Differential Privacy based Federated Learning. 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :355—362.
2021. In federated learning, machine learning and deep learning models are trained globally on distributed devices. The state-of-the-art privacy-preserving technique in the context of federated learning is user-level differential privacy. However, such a mechanism is vulnerable to some specific model poisoning attacks such as Sybil attacks. A malicious adversary could create multiple fake clients or collude compromised devices in Sybil attacks to mount direct model updates manipulation. Recent works on novel defense against model poisoning attacks are difficult to detect Sybil attacks when differential privacy is utilized, as it masks clients' model updates with perturbation. In this work, we implement the first Sybil attacks on differential privacy based federated learning architectures and show their impacts on model convergence. We randomly compromise some clients by manipulating different noise levels reflected by the local privacy budget ε of differential privacy with Laplace mechanism on the local model updates of these Sybil clients. As a result, the global model convergence rates decrease or even leads to divergence. We apply our attacks to two recent aggregation defense mechanisms, called Krum and Trimmed Mean. Our evaluation results on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets show that our attacks effectively slow down the convergence of the global models. We then propose a method to keep monitoring the average loss of all participants in each round for convergence anomaly detection and defend our Sybil attacks based on the training loss reported from randomly selected sets of clients as the judging panels. Our empirical study demonstrates that our defense effectively mitigates the impact of our Sybil attacks.
A delayed Elastic-Net approach for performing adversarial attacks. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). :378–384.
2021. With the rise of the so-called Adversarial Attacks, there is an increased concern on model security. In this paper we present two different contributions: novel measures of robustness (based on adversarial attacks) and a novel adversarial attack. The key idea behind these metrics is to obtain a measure that could compare different architectures, with independence of how the input is preprocessed (robustness against different input sizes and value ranges). To do so, a novel adversarial attack is presented, performing a delayed elastic-net adversarial attack (constraints are only used whenever a successful adversarial attack is obtained). Experimental results show that our approach obtains state-of-the-art adversarial samples, in terms of minimal perturbation distance. Finally, a benchmark of ImageNet pretrained models is used to conduct experiments aiming to shed some light about which model should be selected whenever security is a role factor.
Introducing K-Anonymity Principles to Adversarial Attacks for Privacy Protection in Image Classification Problems. 2021 IEEE 31st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). :1–6.
2021. The network output activation values for a given input can be employed to produce a sorted ranking. Adversarial attacks typically generate the least amount of perturbation required to change the classifier label. In that sense, generated adversarial attack perturbation only affects the output in the 1st sorted ranking position. We argue that meaningful information about the adversarial examples i.e., their original labels, is still encoded in the network output ranking and could potentially be extracted, using rule-based reasoning. To this end, we introduce a novel adversarial attack methodology inspired by the K-anonymity principles, that generates adversarial examples that are not only misclassified, but their output sorted ranking spreads uniformly along K different positions. Any additional perturbation arising from the strength of the proposed objectives, is regularized by a visual similarity-based term. Experimental results denote that the proposed approach achieves the optimization goals inspired by K-anonymity with reduced perturbation as well.