Visible to the public Cryogenic Transistor Confinement Well Simulation through Material and Carrier Transport Decoupling

TitleCryogenic Transistor Confinement Well Simulation through Material and Carrier Transport Decoupling
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsPower, Conor, Staszewski, Robert Bogdan, Blokhina, Elena
Conference Name2022 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS)
Keywordscomposability, confinement, Cryogenic, Cryogenics, Electric potential, electrostatics, Fi-nite Element Modelling, finite element analysis, Fully Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator, pubcrawl, quantum computing, resilience, Resiliency, Semiconductor process modeling, Semiconductors, silicon-on-insulator, Transistors
AbstractWe propose a methodology for the simulation of electrostatic confinement wells in transistors at cryogenic temperatures. This is considered in the context of 22-nm fully depleted silicon-on-insulator transistors due to their potential for imple-menting quantum bits in scalable quantum computing systems. To overcome thermal fluctuations and improve decoherence times in most quantum bit implementations, they must be operated at cryogenic temperatures. We review the dominant sources of electric field at these low temperatures, including material interface work function differences and trapped interface charges. Intrinsic generation and dopant ionisation are shown to be negligible at cryogenic temperatures when using a mode of operation suitable for confinement. We propose studying cryogenic electrostatic confinement wells in transistors using a finite-element model simulation, and decoupling carrier transport generated fields.
Citation Keypower_cryogenic_2022