Visible to the public A Security Architecture for Cloud Data Using Hybrid Security Scheme

TitleA Security Architecture for Cloud Data Using Hybrid Security Scheme
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSunil Raj, Y., Albert Rabara, S., Britto Ramesh Kumar, S.
Conference Name2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT)
Date Publishedjan
Keywordscloud computing, cloud storage, compositionality, Computer architecture, data integrity, Data security, DNA, ECC DNA, Encryption, encryption audits, hashing, Metrics, Organizations, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Systematics
AbstractCloud Computing revolutionize the usage of Internet of Things enabled devices integrated via Internet. Providing everything in an outsourced fashion, Cloud also lends infrastructures such as storage. Though cloud makes it easy for us to store and access the data faster and easier, yet there exist various security and privacy risks. Such issues if not handled may become more threatening as it could even disclose the privacy of an individual/ organization. Strengthening the security of data is need of the hour. The work proposes a novel architecture enhancing the security of Cloud data in an IoT integrated environment. In order to enhance the security, systematic use of a modified hybrid mechanism based on DNA code and Elliptic Curve Cryptography along with Third Party Audit is proposed. The performance of the proposed mechanism has been analysed. The results ensures that proposed IoT Cloud architecture performs better while providing strong security which is the major aspect of the work.
Citation Keysunil_raj_security_2022