Visible to the public Investigation of Potential FEC Schemes for 800G-ZR Forward Error Correction

TitleInvestigation of Potential FEC Schemes for 800G-ZR Forward Error Correction
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsWang, Weiming, Qian, Weifeng, Tao, Kai, Wei, Zitao, Zhang, Shihua, Xia, Yan, Chen, Yong
Conference Name2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC)
ISBN Number978-1-55752-466-9
Keywordscomposability, field programmable gate arrays, forward error correction, Metrics, optical fiber communication, Power dissipation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency

With a record 400Gbps 100-piece-FPGA implementation, we investigate performance of the potential FEC schemes for OIF-800GZR. By comparing the power dissipation and correction threshold at 1015 BER, we proposed the simplified OFEC for the 800G-ZR FEC.

Citation Keywang_investigation_2022