With a record 400Gbps 100-piece-FPGA implementation, we investigate performance of the potential FEC schemes for OIF-800GZR. By comparing the power dissipation and correction threshold at 10−15 BER, we proposed the simplified OFEC for the 800G-ZR FEC.
FPGAs are becoming a common sight in cloud environments and new usage paradigms, such as FPGA-as-a-Service, have emerged. This development poses a challenge to traditional FPGA security models, as these are assuming trust between the user and the hardware owner. Currently, the user cannot keep bitstream nor data protected from the hardware owner in an FPGA-as-a-service setting. This paper proposes a security model where the chip manufacturer takes the role of root-of-trust to remedy these security problems. We suggest that the chip manufacturer creates a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), used for user bitstream protection and data encryption, on each device. The chip manufacturer, rather than the hardware owner, also controls certain security-related peripherals. This allows the user to take control over a predefined part of the programmable logic and set up a protected enclave area. Hence, all user data can be provided in encrypted form and only be revealed inside the enclave area. In addition, our model enables secure and concurrent multi-tenant usage of remote FPGAs. To also consider the needs of the hardware owner, our solution includes bitstream certification and affirming that uploaded bitstreams have been vetted against maliciousness.
The impact of microarchitectural attacks in Personal Computers (PCs) can be further adapted to and observed in internetworked All Programmable System-on-Chip (AP SoC) platforms. This effort involves the access control or execution of Intellectual Property cores in the FPGA of an AP SoC Victim internetworked with an AP SoC Attacker via Internet Protocol (IP). Three conceptions of attacks were implemented: buffer overflow attack at the stack, return-oriented programming attack, and command-injection-based attack for dynamic reconfiguration in the FPGA. Indeed, a specific preventive countermeasure for each attack is proposed. The functionality of the countermeasures mainly comprises adapted words addition (stack protection) for the first and second attacks and multiple encryption for the third attack. In conclusion, the recommended countermeasures are realizable to counteract the implemented attacks.