Visible to the public Anonymous Identity Authentication scheme for Internet of Vehicles based on moving target Defense

TitleAnonymous Identity Authentication scheme for Internet of Vehicles based on moving target Defense
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBai, Songhao, Zhang, Zhen
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Endogenous Security
Keywordsanonymous authentication, authentication, Human Behavior, human factors, Information security, Internet of Vehicles, IoV(Internet of vehicle), Metrics, moving target defense, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Safety, security, Vehicle dynamics, Vehicle-to-everything
AbstractAs one of the effective methods to enhance traffic safety and improve traffic efficiency, the Internet of vehicles has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. V2X secure communication, as one of the research hotspots of the Internet of vehicles, also has many security and privacy problems. Attackers can use these vulnerabilities to obtain vehicle identity information and location information, and can also attack vehicles through camouflage.Therefore, the identity authentication process in vehicle network communication must be effectively protected. The anonymous identity authentication scheme based on moving target defense proposed in this paper not only ensures the authenticity and integrity of information sources, but also avoids the disclosure of vehicle identity information.
Citation Keybai_anonymous_2022