Visible to the public SCC Meeting 16 Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #16
Necessary and Sufficient Safety Assurance Evidence

January 11-12, 2016 | Philadelphia, PA

Conference Archives:


0815 - 0830 Welcome
0830 - 0915 Necessary and Sufficient Assurance Evidence: Principles and Problems
John McDermid (University of York)
0915 - 0945 On the Challenge of Certifying Autonomous Systems
Connie Heitmeyer (Naval Research Labs)
0945 - 1000 Discussion
1000 - 1030 Refreshment Break
1030 - 1200 Breakout Session 1: Actual questions still to be decided. Related to how much do we
know about setting necessary and sufficient acceptance criteria for assurance
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1330 Automotive Safety Assurance Evidence
Joseph D’Ambrosio - with Padma Sundaram (GM Research)
1330 - 1400 Requirements Based Model Complexity Selection
Pieter J. Mosterman (MathWorks)
1400 - 1430 Refreshment Break
1430 - 1500 Aligning Evidence Construction with Lifecycle Processes
in Safety Standards for Platform-based Medical Systems

John Hatcliff (Kansas State University)
1500 - 1530 Discussion
1530 - 1700 Debate: Actual topic still to be decided. It will be related to the breakout session
1700 - 1730 Discussion on debate
0830 - 0900 Model-Based Safety Analysis as Assurance Evidence
Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz
0900 - 0930 Model-based Clinical Trials - A Step toward using Physiological Modeling with Device
Simulation for Regulatory-grade Evidence

Rahul Mangharam - with Houssam Abbas, Zhihao Jiang, Kuk Jang,
Marco Beccani (University of Pennsylvania)
0930 - 0945 Discussion
0945 - 1015 Refreshment Break
1015 - 1145 Breakout Session 2: Actual questions still to be decided. Related to model-based
development & certification.
1145 - 1245 Lunch
1245 - 1315 Acceptance Criteria in the Context of ISO 14971, ISO 62304 and Assurance Cases
Paul Jones (USA Food and Drug Administration)
1315 - 1345 NRC's proposed research plan for digital safety systems
Sushil Birla (USA Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
1345 - 1400 Discussion
1400 - 1430 Refreshment Break
1430 - 1600 Debate: Actual topic still to be decided. It will be related to the needs of regulators.
1600 - 1630 Discussion on debate
1630 - 1645 Wrap-up