
Software & systems engineering and their applications.

Visible to the public CPS Architectures

Design, analysis and verification of complex cyber-physical systems using heterogeneous modeling formalisms.

The mission of this online community of CPS architectures is to share research results on using cyber-physical system architectures to support design, analysis and verification of complex cyber-physical systems using heterogeneous modeling formalisms.


Visible to the public A Backstepping Control Framework for m-Triangular Systems

(Under review in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology: “A Backstepping Control Framework for Networked Control of m-Triangular Systems”) m-Triangular Systems are dynamical physical systems which can be described by m triangular subsystem models. Many physical system models such as those which describe fixed-wing and quadrotor aircraft can be realized as m-Triangular Systems. However, many control engineers try to fit their dynamical model into a 1-Triangular System model.