
Software & systems engineering and their applications.

Visible to the public CPS:Medium: Tightly Integrated Perception and Planning in Intelligent Robotics

The objective of this research is to develop truly intelligent, automated driving through a new paradigm that tightly integrates probabilistic perception and deterministic planning in a formal, verifiable framework.


Visible to the public Programming Environment and Architecture for Situational Awareness and Response: the R3SAR Project

The objective of this research is to investigate and implement a software architecture to improve productivity in the development of rapidly deployable, robust, real-time situational awareness and response (R3SAR) applications. The approach is based on a modular cross-layered architecture that combines a data-centric descriptive programming model with an overlay-based communication model.

Visible to the public CitiSense - Adaptive Services for Community-Driven Behavioral and Environmental Monitoring to Induce Change

With the proliferation of personal mobile computing via mobile phones and the advent of cheap, small sensors, we propose that a new kind of “citizen infrastructure”, CitiSense, can be made pervasive at low cost and high value.

Visible to the public CPS: Small: Real-time, Simulation-based Planning and Asynchronous Coordination for Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems research aims to provide devices with autonomous decision-making that are robust enough to be employed in a variety of important applications. Thus, it is necessary to design physically-grounded intelligent agents that autonomously plan and coordinate their actions as they interact with complex physical processes. Physically-grounded means that the agents must model the physical world in a realistic manner and consider the effects of physical constraints.

Visible to the public CPS: Small: Control of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems under Partial Information and Limited Communication

The principal objective of this project is the development of novel control architectures and computationally efficient controller design algorithms for distributed cyber-physical systems with decentralized information infrastructures and limited communication capabilities.  Interest is in distributed cyber-physical systems where the system components are able to communicate with one another.