
Software & systems engineering and their applications.

Visible to the public  HiPEAC 2020
Jan 20, 2020 7:00 am - Jan 22, 2020 6:00 pm CET

15th International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2020)

The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems.


Visible to the public 2018 Social Justice and Equity in the Engineering of Smart and Connected Communities Workshop Report

2018 Social Justice and Equity in the Engineering of Smart and Connected Communities Workshop Report

PI: Radha Poovendran

Professor and Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Washington, Seattle.



Visible to the public Call for Papers: IET Smart Cities Special Issue on Smart Transport for Smart Cities

Call for Papers

IET Smart Cities Special Issue on Smart Transport for Smart Cities

Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting manuscripts for review for the IET Smart Cities - Special Issue (Call for Papers linked here) on Smart Transport for Smart Cities. We welcome your participation and contributions to this journal.

The topic includes but is not limited to:


Visible to the public Call for Papers: IET Smart Cities Special Issue on Smart Transport for Smart Cities

Call for Papers

IET Smart Cities Special Issue on Smart Transport for Smart Cities

Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting manuscripts for review for the IET Smart Cities - Special Issue (Call for Papers linked here) on Smart Transport for Smart Cities. We welcome your participation and contributions to this journal.

The topic includes but is not limited to: